The child thread in the timer to establish
void __fastcall TDataAcquireMainForm: : Timer1sTimer (TObject * Sender)here is the thread of the Execute function body
Sig_Collect (false);//Sig_Collect threads to create
void __fastcall Sig_Collect: : Execute ()
//- Place thread code here -
OnTerminate=DataAcquireMainForm - & gt; OnOverThread;
SiandWr - & gt; Acquire ();//critical section
If (CacheSize>
If (Ev - & gt; WaitFor (INFINITE)==wrSignaled)//thread synchronization
The DeleteFile (DataDir + "DataCache \ \ Data. Dat");
Ev - & gt; ResetEvent ();
The else
Double dt=1.0/n_Fre;//time increment
Double * fData= double [n_FChannel - n_FHChannel];//a one-dimensional array
Double * sData= double [n_SChannel];//a one-dimensional array
* * ffData= (double) * * new double * [n_FChannel - n_FHChannel];//two dimensional array
for(int i=0; iFfData [I]=new double [n_Fre];
Int the File;//file handle
If (FileExists (DataDir + "DataCache \ \ Data. Dat"))
The File=FileOpen (DataDir + "DataCache \ \ Data. Dat", fmOpenWrite | fmShareDenyWrite);
The else
The File=FileCreate (DataDir + "DataCache \ \ Data. Dat");
FileSeek (File, 0, 2);
If (n_FChannel - n_FHChannel)
Int the nf=n_time % 20;
For (int k=nf * n_Fre; K<(nf + 1) * n_Fre; K++)
for(int i=0; i{
FData [I]=DataEngine (false, I, dt * k, n_Fre);
- nf * n_Fre ffData [I] [k]=fData [I];
FileWrite (File, fData, sizeof (n_FChannel - n_FHChannel) * (double));
Int minu=CacheSize/60;
Int the SEC=CacheSize % 60;
AnsiString datapointer=NULL;
Double FieldValue [8].
Int n_fre [6].//each frequency doubling frequency by
Double BFre [6].//the fundamental frequency amplitude
for(int i=0; i{
Datapointer=String (minu) + ":" + String (SEC);
FieldValue [0]=FormatFloat (" 00.000 ", Max (ffData [I], n_Fre)). ToDouble ();
FieldValue [1]=FormatFloat (" 00.000 ", min (ffData [I], n_Fre)). ToDouble ();
FieldValue [2]=FormatFloat (" 00.000 ", jfgen (ffData [I], n_Fre)). ToDouble ();
FieldValue [3]=FormatFloat (" 00.000 ", fcha (ffData [I], n_Fre)). ToDouble ();
FieldValue [4]=FormatFloat (" 00.000 ", piancha (ffData [I], n_Fre)). ToDouble ();
FieldValue [5]=FormatFloat (" 00.000 ", qiaodu (ffData [I], n_Fre)). ToDouble ();
FieldValue [6]=FormatFloat (" 00.000 ", fzhi (ffData [I], n_Fre)). ToDouble ();
FieldValue [7]=FormatFloat (" 00.000 ", sfzhi (ffData [I], n_Fre)). ToDouble ();
STRSQL. Sprintf (" INSERT INTO time-domain eigenvalue table (channel, high frequency, time, data pointer, the maximum value, minimum value, RMS value, variance and deviation, kurtosis, peak, fengfeng value) VALUES (' % s', 'False', '% s',' % s', '% 6.3 f', '% 6.3 f', '% 6.3 f', '% 6.3 f', '% 6.3 f', '% 6.3 f', '% 6.3 f', '% 6.3 f) ",
NameFCha [I], DataTime DateTimeString (), datapointer, FieldValue [0], FieldValue [1], FieldValue [2], FieldValue [3], FieldValue [4], FieldValue [5], FieldValue [6], FieldValue [7]);
The Synchronize (CalcuEigen);//call the main interface of TADO components, use synchronized methods
Rfftbase2 (ffData [I], n_Fre);
BFre [1]=ffData [I] [0];
For (int k=0; K{
If (BFre [1]{
BFre [1]=ffData [I] [k].
N_fre [1]=k;
N_fre [0]=n_fre [1]/2; N_fre [2]=2 * n_fre [1]. N_fre [3]=3 * n_fre [1]. N_fre [4]=4 * n_fre [1]. N_fre [5]=5 * n_fre [1].
For (int k=0; K<6; K++)
If (n_fre [k] & gt; N_Fre/2-1)
N_fre [k]=n_fre/2-1;
BFre [k]=ffData [I] [n_fre [k]].
STRSQL. Sprintf (" INSERT INTO frequency domain feature value table (channel, high frequency, time, data pointer, 1/2 frequency doubling [], the dominant frequency, frequency [2 times], [3 times frequency], [4 times frequency], [5 times frequency]) VALUES (' % s', 'False', '% s',' % s', '% 6.3 f', '% 6.3 f', '% 6.3 f', '% 6.3 f', '% 6.3 f', '% 6.3 f) ",
NameFCha [I], DataTime DateTimeString (), datapointer, BFre [0], BFre [1], BFre [2], BFre [3], BFre [4], BFre [5]);
The Synchronize (CalcuEigen);//call the main interface of TADO components, use synchronized methods
If (n_SChannel)
for(int i=0; iSData [I]=DataEngine (true, I, n_time, 0);
FileWrite (File, sData n_SChannel * sizeof (double));
FileClose (File);
If ((n_FChannel - n_FHChannel) | | n_SChannel)
HWND pWnd=FindWindow (" TMonitorForm ", "monitor screen");
If (pWnd)
SendMessage (pWnd, WM_MONITOR, 1, 0);
N_time + +;
The delete [] fData;
The delete [] sData;
for(int i=0; iThe delete [] ffData [I];
The delete [] ffData;
SiandWr - & gt; Release ();//release the critical section
CodePudding user response:
Part to Execute the code block in turn and see if there is a corresponding memory leaks, judge leak from the part, sometimes may not be out in the ExecuteCodePudding user response:
Open the task manager, I found the process using the handle to the number in the soaringCodePudding user response:
You have two class file open operation, but only one file closed,CodePudding user response: