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Perl Request Multhreading with array


This script reads a file of urls to do multithreading HTTP requests.

How can I use an array with urls to make multithreading requests?

My array will have something like:

@array = ("https://example.com/xsd","https://example.com/xys","https://example.com/des","https://example.com/hduei");

I need to remove the function of reading file with urls. but I can not.

use strict;
use warnings;
use threads;
use threads::shared;

use Fcntl              qw( LOCK_EX );
use IO::Handle         qw( );
use LWP::UserAgent     qw( );
use Thread::Queue 3.01 qw( );

use constant NUM_WORKERS => 20;

my $output_lock :shared;
my $output_fh;
sub write_to_output_file {
   print($output_fh @_);

sub worker {
   my ($ua, $url) = @_;
   my $response = $ua->get($url);
      if $response->success
      && $response->content =~ /Exist/;       

   $output_fh = \*STDOUT;  # Or open a file.

   my $q = Thread::Queue->new();
   for (1..NUM_WORKERS) {
      async {
         my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( timeout => 15 );
         while (my $job = $q->dequeue()) {
            worker($ua, $job);

   while (<>) {

   $_->join() for threads->list();

CodePudding user response:

This part of the code you've shown reads filenames from the command line arguments, and then reads all the lines in these files. It then iterates over the lines.

   while (<>) { # <--- here

You can replace that with an array, which of course needs a for loop. Make sure to remove the chomp, as there won't be a need to remove newlines.

   foreach (@urls) {
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