Home > Back-end >  How to specify classifications from .properties file in Jenkins Cucumber report?
How to specify classifications from .properties file in Jenkins Cucumber report?


It's straightforward to set hardcoded values in the plugin's Advanced > Presentation > Classifications section, but a value like ${FOO} is displayed literally as ${FOO} instead of expanding.

I set FOO like so in the build shell script, but it does not get displayed in the report.

export FOO=hello

I then tried creating my own .properties file:

echo buildVersion=$LAST_BUILD_VERSION >> report-vars.properties
echo greeting=hola >> report-vars.properties
echo classifications.message=hello >> report-vars.properties
cat report-vars.properties

find . -name '*\.properties'

In Console Output below, I can confirm the Cucumber report plugin is finding the .properties file:

[CucumberReport] Copied 2 properties files from workspace

Based on the find output above, the two files must be

  • ./sonar-project.properties, and
  • ./report-vars.properties

Since those are the only .properties files present.

I have token-macro:2.6 installed.

CodePudding user response:

Use the "Build other projects" step in Post-build Actions section of the job, to choose the "processing job." Let's call it Add-Classifications.

In the Execute shell section, it will do the following:

# Get the first line of its own log
# Parse for the calling job name
# Parse for the calling job's build number
# Redefine the job name with ${UPSTREAM_JOB_NAME#*0m} [1]
# Repeat for the build number
# `cd` to the calling job's directory
# cd to cucumber-html-reports/
# Use `ex` to insert the contents of your "callback file." [2][3]

[1] This is to skip over Jenkins' ha:/// link reference and color codes, which are hidden (echo $VAR | cat -v) and onerous.

[3] Callback file? What? Read on for details.

[2] The ex piece is like so:

ex - overview-features.html << EOF
/id=\"classifications\"/;  r ../add-fields.phtml

Referencing [3], you need a "callback file." Each job using a callback file should have a uniform name (add-fields.phtml), to make the Add-Classifications job as generic as possible.

Something like this at the end of the Execute shell section of the calling job:


... # Invoking a build or tests, etc.

cat << EOF > ${JOB_DIR}/add-fields.phtml
  <tr >
    <th>Build (or SHA or changing field)</th>

A little bit of HTML wizardry--er, stitchery--with ex goes a long way.

The job needs to run on master node in order to access $JENKINS_HOME.

Open problems

  • The Cucumber link to .../$BUILD_NUMBER/cucumber-html-reports/overview-features.html is downloaded as an empty page instead of loading a webpage.
  • Should only run jobs on master node, unless "Build other project" synchronizes job to same slave node as calling job, with same $JENKINS_HOME access

CodePudding user response:

We can specify custom classifications by using a pipeline. Create a new Jenkins Pipeline (New Item > Pipeline) and convert your existing job.

A general pipeline may take the following form

def readLines = { content ->
  def keyValue = []
  content.eachLine { line ->
    keyValue << line
  return keyValue

node {
  stage('checkout') {
    git ...
  stage('build') {
    withCredentials(...) {
      sh '''
cat << EOF > dynamic.properties
dynamicVar=$(curl ...)
  stage('post-build') {
    def jenkins_home = manager.getEnvVariable('JENKINS_HOME')
    def prop_dir = ...

    def contents = readFile("${prop_dir}/dynamic.properties")
    def keyValues = readLines(contents)

    def dynamicVar = keyValues[0].split("=")[1]

    cucumber buildStatus: 'UNSTABLE',
                fileIncludePattern: '**/*.json',
                fileExcludePattern: '',
                jsonReportDirectory: '',
                failedStepsNumber: '0',
                skippedStepsNumber: '0',
                pendingStepsNumber: '0',
                undefinedStepsNumber: '0',
                failedScenariosNumber: '0',
                failedFeaturesNumber: '0',
                sortingMethod: 'ALPHABETICAL',
                trendsLimit: 10,
                classifications: [
                        'key': 'One such dynamic var',
                        'value': "${dynamicVar}"

New to pipelines? Click "Pipeline syntax" link in the left sidebar of a finished job. There are plenty of examples in the Snippet Generator.

Implementation Notes

  • Write all necessary variables to a .properties file in the build stage.
  • Build up the path to the .properties file referencing various Jenkins env vars.
  • Specify dynamic classification values with double-quoted interpolation.
  • Groovy Sandbox may or may not need to be disabled

Other questions

  • Why can't we use a callback file? Jenkins checksum prevents links to modified files, even if you modify the checksum to the new value in build.xml.
  • Why can't we use only groovy-postbuild plugin? The pipeline syntax for Cucumber Reports is specific to Jenkins Pipeline. You don't get that with just the plugin. And, you need to create a new job as a Pipeline. So you would still need to use the Cucumber Reports sample pipeline syntax anyway.


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