Home > Back-end >  Why does my query take over 30 mins on MySQL 5.7 but a couple seconds on MySQL 8?
Why does my query take over 30 mins on MySQL 5.7 but a couple seconds on MySQL 8?


I have the following query. On MySQL 5.7 it takes over 30 mins minutes to run but on MySQL 8 it takes less than 10 seconds. There are around 20k records in students_t, 500 in classes_t and 1100 in groups_t. student_enrolled_classes_t contains 100288 records and 160156 records.There are no foreign keys in place.

     , s.surname
     , count(c.id) as 'classes'
     , group_concat(DISTINCT g.name) 'groups'
  FROM students_t s
     , student_enrolled_classes_t c
     , student_enrolled_groups_t eg
     , groups_t g
 WHERE s.id = c.student_id
   AND s.id = eg.student_id
   AND eg.group_id = g.id
GROUP BY s.id, c.id
ORDER BY s.forename ASC;

The table structures are (generated with Hibernate):

CREATE TABLE classes_t 
(id BIGINT auto_increment PRIMARY KEY);

CREATE TABLE groups_t 
(id BIGINT auto_increment PRIMARY KEY
,name VARCHAR(255) NULL);

CREATE TABLE student_enrolled_classes_t
(id BIGINT auto_increment PRIMARY KEY
,class_id BIGINT NULL
,student_id BIGINT NULL);

CREATE TABLE student_enrolled_groups_t
,group_id BIGINT NULL
,student_id BIGINT NULL);

CREATE TABLE students_t
(id BIGINT auto_increment PRIMARY KEY
,forename VARCHAR(255) NULL
,surname  VARCHAR(255) NULL);

The question is: Why does it take 30 mins on MySQL 5.7 but only 10 seconds on MySQL 8?

Thank you

CodePudding user response:

You could write the query as follows. It uses newer join syntax and takes into a account situations where student is not part of a class/group.

     , s.surname
     , count(distinct c.id) as 'classes'
     , group_concat(distinct g.name) 'groups'
  FROM students_t s
    LEFT JOIN student_enrolled_classes_t c ON c.student_id=s.id
    LEFT JOIN student_enrolled_groups_t eg ON eg.student_id=s.id
    LEFT JOIN groups_t g ON eg.group_id = g.id
ORDER BY s.forename ASC;

CodePudding user response:

We need to see EXPLAIN SELECT ... to analyze why one runs so slowly. While you are at it, also get EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON SELECT ....

This reformulation and indexes may speed up the query on both servers, possibly making them both fast. Note that it gets rid of the GROUP BY and DISTINCT, both of which slow down the query.

SELECT  s.forename, s.surname, 
        ( SELECT  COUNT(*)
            FROM  student_enrolled_classes_t
            WHERE  student_id = s.id 
        ) AS 'classes', 
        ( SELECT  GROUP_CONCAT(g.name)
                    FROM  student_enrolled_groups_t AS eg
                    JOIN  groups_t AS g  ON eg.group_id = g.id
                    WHERE  eg.student_id = s.id 
        ) AS 'groups'
    FROM  student_t AS s
    ORDER BY  s.forename ASC;

It seems that student_enrolled_groups_t is a many-to-many mapping table. In that case, get rid of id and have these two indexes:

PRIMARY KEY(student_id, group_id)
INDEX(group_id, student_id)

When writing JOINs, please use the newer syntax involving ON -- for saying how the tables are 'related'. Filtering is done in WHERE.

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