I have been trying to implement a floating-point function in Assembly MIPS 32-bits, and I have not been able to pinpoint the exact fault. It seems to be in the mul.s $fd, $fsrc1, $fsrc2 command, since the contents of the specific floating-point register remain unchanged (I have checked this with syscalls as well, printing the contents in each case) but I seem to be unable to find the fix. Anyone got any ideas? Full code below:
.align 2
number: .float 0.5
.globl main
li $a0, 3
l.s $f12, number
jal power
li $v0, 2
mtc1 $a0, $f0
li $v0, 17
#Build stack
subu $sp,$sp,56 # Stack frame is 56 bytes long
sw $a0, 12($sp) # Save Argument 0 ($a0)
swc1 $f12, 8($sp) # Save Argument 1 ($a1) (integer arg)
sw $s0, 56($sp) # Save $s0
sw $s1, 52($sp) # Save $s1
swc1 $f20, 48($sp) # Save $f20
swc1 $f21, 44($sp) # Save $f21
sw $ra, 16($sp) # Save return address
sw $fp, 20($sp) # Save frame pointer
addiu $fp, $sp, 52
move $s0, $a0 #stores value of n
mov.s $f22, $f12 #stores value of x
li $s1, 0 #initialize counter with 0
mul.s $f20, $f20, $f20 #y=y*y
addi $s1, $s1, 1 #increase counter
bgtu $s0, $s1, powerLoop #continue loop as long as counter<n
mov.s $f0, $f20 #return the results
#Pop stack
lw $a0, 12($sp) #Load back $a0
lwc1 $f12, 8($sp) #Load back $f12
lw $s0, 56($sp) # Load $s0
lw $s1, 52($sp) # Load $s1
lwc1 $f20, 48($sp) # Load $f20
lwc1 $f21, 44($sp) # Load $f21
lw $ra, 16($sp) # Restore old value of $ra
lw $fp, 20($sp) # Restore old value of $fp
addiu $sp, $sp, 56 # Pop stack
jr $ra
CodePudding user response:
Despite some errors in registers, the main error is in the
li $v0, 2
mtc1 $a0, $f0
li $v0, 2
mov.s $f12, $f0
REASON: $f12 IS ALWAYS, due to convention, the floating-point argument, even for syscalls. It will not print the contents of $a0 but rather $f12!