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How to restart Python Docker Container from inside


My Objective: I want to be able to restart a container based on the official Python Image using some command inside the container.

My system: I have a own Docker image based on the official python image which look like this:

FROM python:3.6.15-buster
WORKDIR /webserver
COPY requirements.txt /webserver
RUN /usr/local/bin/python -m pip install --upgrade pip
RUN pip3 install -r requirements.txt --no-binary :all:
COPY . /webserver
ENTRYPOINT ["./start.sh"]

As you can see, the image does not execute a single python file but it executes a script called start.sh, which looks like this:


echo "Starting"
echo "Env: $ENTORNO"

exec python3 "$PATH_ENTORNO""Script1.py" &
exec python3 "$PATH_ENTORNO""Script2.py" &
exec python3 "$PATH_ENTORNO""Script3.py" &

All of this works perfectly, but, I want that if, for example, script 3 fails, the entire container based on this image get restarted.

My approach: I had two ideas about this problem. First, try to execute a reboot command in the python3 script, something like this:

from subprocess import call



This does not work inside the Python Debian image, because of error:

reboot: command not found

The other approach was to mount the docker.sock inside the container, but the error this time is:

root@MachineName:/var/run# /var/run/docker.sock docker ps
bash: /var/run/docker.sock: Permission denied

I dont know if I'm doing right these two approach, or if anyone has any idea about this but any help will be very appreciated.

CodePudding user response:

I think the safest bet would be to instruct docker to restart your container when there's some failure. Then you'd only have to exit your program with a non-zero code (i.e: run exit 1 from your start.sh) and docker will restart it from scratch.

Option 1: docker run --restart

Related documentation

docker run --restart on-failure <image>

Option 2: Using docker-compose

Version 3

In your docker-compose.yml you can set the restart_policy directive to the service you're interested on restarting. i.e:

version: "3"
      condition: on-failure

Version 2

Before version 3, the same policy could be applied with the restart directive, which allows for less configuration.

version: "2"
    restart: "on-failure"

CodePudding user response:

Is there any reason why you are running 3 processes in the same container? As per the microservice architecture basics, only one process should run in a container. So you should run 3 dockers for the 3 scripts. All 3 scripts should have the logic that if one of the 3 dockers is not reachable, then it should get killed.

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