I have arrays with string values that have trailing spaces. I am trying to implement a way to remove them in the arrays they are stored in. But for whatever reason it does not work. This is what I have tried:
For i = 1 To c
Names(i) = RTrim(Names(i))
State(i) = RTrim(State(i))
Where c is the length of the array. I have also tried this with Trim() and no luck. Any reason this isn't working?
CodePudding user response:
This is a common problem. Trim, LTrim and RTrim only remove spaces. A much more useful function is provided below.
To use the code below you will need to add a reference to the Microsoft Scripting Runtime or revise to code to create the scripting.dictionary using CreateObject.
IpTrimchars may be provided as a string or as a scripting.dictionary, where the Keys of the Scripting.Dictionary are the characters to be trimmed.
And of course, the trimmer method can be revised to trim characters that are not in a preferred list. Just change ipTrimChars to ipAllowedChars (contains characters you allow in your sttrings) and the exists statements to Not exists and then everything that is not an allowed character will be trimmed. I leave that as an 'exercise for the reader'
Sub Test()
Dim mystring As String
mystring = "xyz; Hello Worldxyz; xyz; "
Debug.Print mystring
mystring = Trimmer(mystring, "xyz; ")
Debug.Print "Trimmer should give 'Hello World'", mystring
End Sub
'@Description("Removes designated characters (ipTrimChars) from both ends of ipSource")
Public Function Trimmer(ByRef ipSource As String, Optional ByRef ipTrimChars As Variant = " ") As String
Dim myLen As Long
myLen = VBA.Len(ipSource)
If myLen = 0 Then
Trimmer = ipSource
Exit Function
End If
' A Scipting.dictionary is being use for tthe keys exists method only.
' The same could be achieved using the .Contains method of the ArrayList
Dim myTrimChars As Scripting.dictionary
Set myTrimChars = New Scripting.dictionary
If VBA.IsEmpty(ipTrimChars) Then
myTrimChars.Add " ", " "
ElseIf VBA.TypeName(ipTrimChars) = "String" Then
Dim myIndex As Long
For myIndex = 1 To VBA.Len(ipTrimChars)
' myindex is used to satisfy the .add requirement for a Key and an Item
myTrimChars.Add VBA.Mid$(ipTrimChars, myIndex, 1), myIndex
ElseIf VBA.TypeName(ipTrimChars) = "Dictionary" Then
Set myTrimChars = ipTrimChars
Err.Raise 17, "Trimmer", "ipTrimchars:Expecting a String or a Scripting.Dictionary"
End If
Dim mystring As String
mystring = ipSource
' Remove characters from the start of the string
myLen = VBA.Len(mystring)
If myTrimChars.Exists(VBA.Left(mystring, 1)) Then
mystring = VBA.Mid$(mystring, 2)
End If
Loop Until myLen = VBA.Len(mystring)
' Remove characters from the end of the string
myLen = VBA.Len(mystring)
If myTrimChars.Exists(VBA.Right(mystring, 1)) Then
mystring = VBA.Mid$(mystring, 1, myLen - 1)
End If
Loop Until myLen = VBA.Len(mystring)
Trimmer = mystring
End Function
CodePudding user response:
Trim only trims space characters (Ascii 32). Likely you have something else at the end of your strings, candidates are Tab, Carriage Return or Line Feed, but there are also some characters that look like a space, for example the Non-breaking space.
First thing is to figure out what characters are at the end of your string. You can do that for example with this small routine:
Sub Dumpstring(s As String)
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To Len(s)
Dim c As String
c = Mid(s, i, 1)
Debug.Print i, AscW(c), c
End Sub
Look for characters with Code 9 (Tab), 13 (CR), 10 (LF), 160 (Non break Space) or everything else that should be removed.
Then you can write your own simple trim functions. The following functions define a string (trimChars
) that contain all characters that should be "trimmed". You can pass it as parameter, or use the default. The logic is that from left resp. right, it is checked if the character of the string you want to trim (s
) is within this string. If not, quit the loop because we found a character that is not to be trimmed and return the according substring.
Function MyRTrim(s As String, Optional trimChars) As String
If IsMissing(trimChars) Then trimChars = getDefaultTrimChars()
Dim i As Long
For i = Len(s) To 1 Step -1
If InStr(trimChars, Mid(s, i, 1)) = 0 Then Exit For
If i = 0 Then Exit Function ' Emtpy string
MyRTrim = Left(s, i)
End Function
Function MyLTrim(s As String, Optional trimChars) As String
If IsMissing(trimChars) Then trimChars = getDefaultTrimChars()
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To Len(s)
If InStr(trimChars, Mid(s, i, 1)) = 0 Then Exit For
If i = Len(s) Then Exit Function ' Emtpy string
MyLTrim = Mid(s, i)
End Function
Function MyTrim(s As String, Optional trimChars)
MyTrim = MyLTrim(MyRTrim(s, trimChars), trimChars)
End Function
Function getDefaultTrimChars()
getDefaultTrimChars = " " & vbTab & vbCr & vbLf & ChrW(160)
End Function
Note that I have created the getDefaultTrimChars
for readability and to have the same default for LTrim and RTrim. I would prefer to have a constant, but in VBA you can't use a function like ChrW for a constant definition. You can adapt this function and add other characters if you want.