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C Builder XE6 compile link problem


Fatal: [ilink64 Error] Malloc of 65536 bytes failed in the Debug \ XXX ildw_str, line 6

Compiled at the end of the show the error to have people met,

And compile XE6 giant slow so no nothing to accelerate the plugin?

CodePudding user response:

No man or woman met a similar problem?

CodePudding user response:

Haven't met, the project is exe or DLL
Compilation speed also ok
You have how many amount of code

CodePudding user response:

You can use the precompiled header file to speed up

CodePudding user response:

A 64 - bit Windows 7

CodePudding user response:

[ilink64 Error] suggest that refer to the following
Often link error LNK2001 when learning vc + +, the error is very annoying, because for
Programming, best change wrong than a compiler error, and in general connection error occurs,
Compile all has passed, the reasons of the connection error very much, especially error LNK2001, often make people don't
The why, if not in-depth study and understand the vc + +, if you want to correct connection error LNK2001 not
Often difficult,
Encountered in the process of learning vc + + beginners, LNK2001 error error message mainly for:
The unresolved external symbol "symbol" external "symbol" (not sure),
If the linker cannot in all of the library and find the referenced within the target file functions, variables, or
Labels, will produce the error messages, in general, errors of two reasons: one is the referenced
Function of variable does not exist, incorrect spelling or use; The second might use a different version
The connection of the library,
The following is possible causes of error LNK2001:
one As a result of the coding error LNK2001,
1. Does not match the code or module definition file can cause LNK2001. (DEF), for example,
If you declare a variable in c + + source file "var1", but trying to another file with variable
Access the variable "VAR1", will occur this error,
2. If you use inline function is in. The CPP file defined within, rather than in the header file default
Righteousness will lead to error LNK2001,
3. If the parameters used when calling function type does not accord with the function declaration type will produce a
4. From the base class constructor or destructor call virtual functions will cause LNK2001,
5. Pay attention to the functions and variables can be public, only global variables, functions can be public,
Static function and use static variables with the same limit, when trying to external access from the file
Any statement in the file static variables will cause a compiler error or LNK2001,
Statement of the variable in a function (local variables) can only be used within the scope of the function,
The global constants of C + + only static connection performance, this is different from C, if you try to in C + +
Multiple files in use of global variables also produces LNK2001 errors, a solution is needed in the
Header file to join the constants of the initialization code, and in. CPP files contained in the header file; Another
Method is used to the variable to constant,
two Due to the compile and link set LNK2001
1. If the compiler is used in/NOD/NODEFAULTLIB option, the operation of the program need
Library and MFC library in connection, write to the target file by the compiler module, but unless it clear in the file contains
The library name, these libraries will not be linked into the project file, in this case, use the/NOD will guide
Error LNK2001,
2. If there is no entrance to wWinMainCRTStartup setting process, in the use of Unicode and MFC
When will receive the "unresolved external on _WinMain @ 16" LNK2001 error messages,
3. Use the/MD option at compile time, since all the runtime is retained within the dynamic link library,
In the source file for "func" reference, in the target file to "__imp__func" reference,
If you attempt to use static library LIBC. LIB or LIBCMT. Connect the LIB, will send on __imp__func
LNK2001; If not, use the/MD option to compile in using MSVCxx. When LIB connection LNK2001,
4. Use/ML options at compile time, if use LIBCMT. LIB link can cause LNK2001 in _errno,
5. When debugging version of the application, if the distribution mode library to connect will produce
LNK2001; Also, using the debug version of the modal libraries to connect distribution when the application is also can produce the same
6. A mixture of different versions of the library and the compiler to use can also cause problems, because the new version of the garage can
Can contain an earlier version of the no symbols and instructions,
7. In different modules using inline and non-inline compile options can cause LNK2001, if
Create a c + + library opened the function inline (/Ob1 or/Ob2), but in the description of the function of the corresponding head
File is closed function inline (not the inline keyword), you will get the error message,
In order to avoid the happening of the problem, should be in the corresponding header file with the inline keyword inline functions,
8. Incorrect/SUBSYSTEM or ENTRY set can also cause LNK2001,
In fact, the causes of LNK2001 still has a lot of, is only part of the above reasons, the early
Scholars these is enough to understand for a while, however, is the purpose of the analysis of the reason for the error in order to avoid wrong
The happening of the error, error LNK2001 though difficult, but as long as noticed these problems, or can
Enough to avoid and resolved,

CodePudding user response:

XE6 64 - bit compiler also has a lot of bugs
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