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Runoff 21 points (card game), no problem, the first set of data read a second group of data when it


# include & lt; Stdio. H>
# include & lt; Math. H>
# include & lt; String. H>
Int main ()
Int [1000] e={0}, n.
Char a, [1000].
Char b [1000];
Int I, j, d=0, m, x, y, sum1, sum2, w, s;
Int min;
int count=0;
scanf("%d",& n);
While (d{sum1=0;
The scanf (" % d % d ", & amp; W, & amp; S);//formal, use
Gets (a);
Gets (b);
X=strlen (a);

Y=strlen (b);
for(i=0; i{
If (a [I]=='H' | | a [I]=='S' | | a [I]=='D' | | a [I]=='C')
If (a [I + 1)=='a')
Sum1 +=11; count++;
Else if (a [I + 1)=='1')
Sum1 +=10;
The else
Sum1 +=a + 1] [I - '0'.

If (sum1 & gt; 21 & amp; & The count!=0)
Sum1=sum1 - count * 11 + count;
If (sum1 & gt; 21 & amp; & The count==0)

for(i=0; i{
If (b [I]=='H' | | b [I]=='S' | | b [I]=='D' | | b [I]=='C')
If (b [I + 1)=='A')
Sum2 +=11; count++;
Else if (b [I + 1)=='1')
Sum2 +=10;
The else
Sum2 +=b + 1] [I - '0';


If (sum2 & gt; 21 & amp; & The count!=0)
Sum2=sum2 - count * 11 + count;
If (sum2 & gt; 21 & amp; & The count==0)
If (sum1 & gt; Sum2)
E [d]=1;//tag who wins

for(i=0; i{
If (e [I]==0)
Printf (" Case % d: Bob \ n ", I + 1);
The else
Printf (" \ n "Case % d: Alice, I + 1);
return 0;


CodePudding user response:

Settled, to the scanf (" % d % d ", & amp; W, & amp; S); Switch to
The scanf (" % d % d ", & amp; W, & amp; S);

CodePudding user response:

Two getchar can be removed

CodePudding user response:

The scanf (" % d % d ", & amp; W, & amp; S); And the scanf (" % d % d ", & amp; W, & amp; S); No difference, but in the former will be better
Use white space between the scanf input number, number of character segmentation, whitespace is a space, TAB or enter
This is the scanf automatically support, don't need you to specify
You can enter 1 2 enter
You can be 1 enter 2 enter
There is no difference between

Your problem is appeared on the two calls getchar, is redundant, but cause side effects, enter from the normal effective data also to carry away
Don't need, keyboard buffer enter, the scanf will automatically filter

Yourself after the scanf printf immediately once, will know whether the right obtained results

Online have a heap of said how to filter the keyboard buffer in return, but, but, but, that is, in the case of a single character input
You don't have a single character input requirements, there is no necessary to monkey around

CodePudding user response:

Each group of data
First the scanf (" % d % d ", & amp; W, & amp; S);
And then the line of four or more, the cycle have to do is to read the string
Char STR [20]
For (I=0; IThe scanf (" % s ", STR);//STR is to separate the H10, H3 such a

Although the H10 H3 is a line, but there is space, % s own back to distinguish between them

CodePudding user response:

reference 4 floor response:

each set of dataFirst the scanf (" % d % d ", & amp; W, & amp; S);
And then the line of four or more, the cycle have to do is to read the string
Char STR [20]
For (I=0; IThe scanf (" % s ", STR);//STR is to separate the H10, H3 such a

Although the H10 H3 is a line, but there is space, % s to distinguish their

But only in the way of thinking, so no problem gets a usage error ah ~

CodePudding user response:

With less than gets,
H10, H3 such have become a single string, stored in a temporary variable char STR [20] of
Then, using a string function from a string of reading
char ch; Int d;
Sscanf (STR, "% d % c", & amp; Ch, & amp; D);
you can?STR at this time if it is "H10", then read out ch is H characters, d is 10
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