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VC 6.0 compiler errors error C2872?


Procedure is as follows: is the application of opnet hla,

/* External federate, informs the to test the features of HLA - PM */

# include "controller_tutorial. HPP
"# include & lt; Fedtime. Hh>

# include & lt; Stdlib. H>
# include & lt; String. H>
# include & lt; Stdlib. H>
# include & lt; Stdio. H>

# include & lt; Sys/types. H>

# include & lt; Iostream>
# include & lt; Iomanip>

# if! Defined (_MSC_VER)
# include & lt; Netinet/in. H>
# include & lt; Unistd. H> For sleep with a/* */
# the else
# include & lt; Windows. H> For Sleep with a/* */
# endif
# include & lt; Strstrea. H>

using namespace std;

# include "s_hla_stream. HPP
/* RTI ambassador Shared among the functions provides of the program */
The static RTI: : RTIambassador rti_amb;

/* Federate ambassador */
The static Master_FA fedAmb;

Static int time_regulation_enabled=0;
Static int time_constrained_enabled=0;

The static const char * fedExecName;

The static RTI: : Boolean timeToQuit=RTI: : RTI_FALSE;

The static RTIfedTime currentTime (0.0);

The static RTIfedTime next_time ()
{RTIfedTime lookahead.
Rti_amb. QueryLookahead (lookahead);
Return currentTime + lookahead. GetTime (); }

The static RTI: : Boolean timeAdvanceOutstanding=RTI: : RTI_FALSE;

The static RTI: : FederateHandle federateId;

Enum OrderAttributes {Bearing, Speed, NbOrderAttributes};
Enum ReplyAttributes {Id, ChangeLat ChangeLong, NbReplyAttributes};

The static const char * const orderAttrTypeStr []=
{" bearing "and" speed "};
The static const char * const replyAttrTypeStr []=
{" id ", "change_lat", "change_long"};

The static RTI: : InteractionClassHandle order_handle;
The static RTI: : ParameterHandle order_parameters [NbOrderAttributes];
The static RTI: : InteractionClassHandle reply_handle;
The static RTI: : ParameterHandle reply_parameters [NbReplyAttributes];

/* * * * * * * Pending Requests/* * * * * *

The class PendingRequest
PendingRequest (void) : next (NULL) {}
Virtual ~ PendingRequest (void) {}

//the apply appropriate behaviors
Virtual void the apply (void)=0;

Static int the empty () {return head==NULL (PendingRequest *); }

The static void the enqueue (PendingRequest * pr);
The static PendingRequest * to dequeue ();

The class PendingRequest * next;

The static PendingRequest * head;
The static PendingRequest * tail;

Friend class Master_FA;

PendingRequest * PendingRequest: : head=(PendingRequest *) NULL;
PendingRequest * PendingRequest: : tail=(PendingRequest *) NULL;

PendingRequest: : the enqueue (pr) PendingRequest *
If (head==NULL) (PendingRequest *)
The head=pr;
The else
Tail - & gt; Next=pr;

PendingRequest *
PendingRequest: : to dequeue ()
If (head==NULL) (PendingRequest *)
return head;
PendingRequest * result=head;
The head=head - & gt; Next;
If (tail==result)
return result;

The class ProvideAttributeValueUpdatePR: public PendingRequest
ProvideAttributeValueUpdatePR (RTI: : ObjectHandle oid,
Const RTI: : AttributeHandleSet & amp; Attr);

Virtual ~ ProvideAttributeValueUpdatePR (void)
{if (size) delete [] handleSet; }

Virtual void the apply (void);

RTI: : ObjectHandle objid;
Unsigned long size;
RTI: : AttributeHandle * handleSet;

ProvideAttributeValueUpdatePR: : ProvideAttributeValueUpdatePR (RTI: : ObjectHandle oid,
Const RTI: : AttributeHandleSet & amp; Attr)
: objid (oid), size (attr. The size ()
HandleSet=new RTI: : AttributeHandle [size];
If (handleSet==NULL)
Cerr & lt; <"Unable to create an array of attribute handles, can 't the process attribute update request" & lt; Size=0;

for (int i=0; I & lt; The size; I++)
HandleSet. [I]=attr getHandle (I);

ProvideAttributeValueUpdatePR: : the apply ()

/* * * * * * * Federate Ambassador * * * * * * * * * */

Constructor/* */

Master_FA: : Master_FA () : RTI: : FederateAmbassador ()

/* */Destructor

Master_FA: : ~ Master_FA throw () ()

/* Services called by the RTI */

//Federation Management Services//

//Object Management Services//

Master_FA: : reflectAttributeValues (RTI: : ObjectHandle theObject,
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