I have the following existing structure
| |--7.5.1
| |--build.gradle
| |--gradle
| | |--6.7.1
| |--build.gradle
| |--gradle
| | |--6.1.1
| | |--7.4
orchestration % which gradle
orchestration % gradle --version
Gradle 7.5.1
orchestration % ./gradlew --version
Gradle 7.5.1
cd engine
engine % ./gradlew --version
Gradle 6.7.1
cd ../process
process % ./gradlew --version
Gradle 6.1.1
Now, The Problem
process % gradle wrapper --gradle-version 7.5.1
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Task 'wrapper' not found in project ':process'.
cd ../engine
engine % gradle wrapper --gradle-version 7.5.1
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Task 'wrapper' not found in project ':engine'.
What is going on?
- why was I able to upgrade sub-projects in the past?
- why does Gradle so often give unhelpful diagnostics?
- often misleading, where I waste hours on a wild goose chase...
- I ran with --scan... after much time investigating... still no insight...
- https://scans.gradle.com/s/xfw6fihozkkem
- but, I did fix two deprecation issues