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DBGridEh more headers to set the background color? Be urgent! Online etc.!


Use DBGridEh set up multiple headers, change the Color of the Title, after multiple headers to the first line of the background Color doesn't change (pictured), what should I do

CodePudding user response:

No one will be?

CodePudding user response:

I didn't figure to understand your needs, the commonly used search on the net change color code,
Procedure TForm25. DBGridEh1DrawColumnCell (Sender: TObject;
Const the Rect: TRect; DataCol: Integer; Column: TColumnEh;
State: TGridDrawState);
The begin

With DBGridEh1 do
The begin

If (the Rect. Top=DBGridEh1. CellRect (DBGridEh1. Col, DBGridEh1. Row). The Top) and (not
(gdFocused State) in the or not DBGridEh1. Focused) then the begin
//and before a said the current line, changing the=to & lt;> Is in addition to the current row all lines
//and after that said if not input focus or DBGridEh didn't get the focus, that is to say, when there is no selected DBGridEh
//the current line color, selected, in addition to the current line selected cells outside the cell color
DBGridEh1. Canvas. Brush. Color:=clSkyBlue;
//the Current background color of the Windows desktop
End the else begin
If self. ADOQuery2. FieldByName (' whether instructions). AsBoolean then
The begin
Canvas. The Font. Color:=clWindowText;
Canvas, the Font Style:=[];
Canvas. Brush. Color:=clRed;

DefaultDrawColumnCell (the Rect, DataCol, the Column, the State);

Procedure TForm1. DBGridEh1DrawColumnCell (Sender: TObject;
Const the Rect: TRect; DataCol: Integer; Column: TColumnEh;
State: TGridDrawState);
The begin
With DBGridEh1 do
The begin
If (gdSelected in State) or (gdFocused in State) then
The begin
If (a DataSource. The DataSet. FieldByName (' status'). AsInteger=201) then the begin
Canvas, the Font Style:=[];
Canvas. The Font. Color:=clLime;
Canvas. Brush. Color:=clMaroon;
The else
If (a DataSource. The DataSet. FieldByName (' status'). AsInteger=201) then
The begin
Canvas. The Font. Color:=clNavy;
Canvas, the Font Style:=[];
Canvas. Brush. Color:=clRed;
The else
The begin
Canvas. The Font. Color:=clWindowText;
Canvas, the Font Style:=[];
Canvas. Brush. Color:=clWhite;
DefaultDrawColumnCell (the Rect, DataCol, the Column, the State);

//DBGrid1. DefaultDrawColumnCell (the Rect, DataCol, the Column, the State);

How to realize the different line shows different colors in DbgridEh

Release date: 2006.08.15 but source: PLWWW author:

[implementation DBGridEh interlaced color display]
Procedure TForm1. DBGridEh1GetCellParams (Sender: TObject; Column: TColumnEh;
AFont: TFont; Var Background: TColor; State: TGridDrawState);
The begin
If DBGridEh1. SumList. RecNo mod 2=1 then
Background:=$00 ffc4c4
The else
Background:=$00 FFDDDD;

[DBGridEh under certain conditions line shows particular color]
Procedure TForm1. DBGridEh1GetCellParams (Sender: TObject; Column: TColumnEh; AFont: TFont; Var Background: TColor; State: TGridDrawState);
The begin

//in the name field value lines for aaa set the background color (ado Settings)
If ADOQuery1. FieldByName (' name ') AsString='aaa' then
Background:=$00 ffc4c4

//in xm field values for Li Ming lines of setting the background color (bde)
Else if DBGridEh1. The DataSource. The DataSet. FieldByName (' xm). AsString='Li Ming' then
Background:=$00 ffc4c4
The else
Background:=$00 FFDDDD;


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CodePudding user response:

DBGridEh FixedColor attributes can be
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