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Questions about the JSP page spread value


I wrote an a in the JSP page tags:
 & lt; A style="text - decoration: none; Color: black "href=" https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/shopdetail "& gt; The ${shop. Sname} & lt;/a> 

I want to by the controller to another page
 @ RequestMapping ("/shopdetail ") 
Public String shopDetail (Model Model, @ RequestParam (" sid ") int sid) {
Shop shopintro=shopService. SelectBySid (sid);
Model. The addAttribute (" shopintro shopintro);
Return "shopDetail";

But, I'm through the shop. Sid to take data of database, if added in a tag name="sid" travels is shop. The name, take less than the sid, have a great god can help me have a look at how to write the

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