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React Native, Firebase, assigning positions to elements entered in TextInput in an array


I am new to programming, and I have such a problem. When entering a set of digits into TextInput for example: "5, 4 ,5, 3, 5" and so on. and sending these numbers to an array located in the Firestore turns out this: enter image description here

And it should turn out something like this: enter image description here

What is the problem? Please help me! Here is my code:

const [numberInput, setNumberInput] = useState()

// Sending a value.
const EditSubject = () => {
    const addSub = doc(db, 'users', userUID, 'evaluations', 'SecondCours', 'FirstSemestr', 'FirstSemestr');
    if (textInput != undefined) {
    updateDoc(addSub, {Mathematics: [numberInput]});
    } else {

// Getting the value.
<TextInput style={[{backgroundColor: theme.colors.addSubjectText, color: theme.colors.text1}, styles.TInput]} keyboardType = 'numeric' onChangeText={num => setNumberInput(num)}/>

I will be very grateful if you help!

CodePudding user response:

The input code you have shown above is fine. You are rendering the entire numberInput array into a single element of your UI. Try using a map to iterate over the elements of the array and generate a row for each. Your result should look very similar to the linked example, you will just need to add an element for the numbered box.

CodePudding user response:

Here is part of my code. He is responsible for displaying the table of subjects, grades and totals on the screen. And editing the same ratings. But I have this error that I mentioned above.

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { StyleSheet, Text, View, ScrollView, FlatList, Dimensions, TouchableOpacity, Modal, TextInput } from 'react-native';
import { gStyle } from '../../../Styles/gStyle';
import { useTheme } from 'styled-components';
import { db } from '../../../../firebase';
import {doc, updateDoc, onSnapshot, deleteField, query, collection, deleteDoc } from 'firebase/firestore';
import { getAuth, onAuthStateChanged } from "firebase/auth";

import { AntDesign } from '@expo/vector-icons';

export default function FirstSemestr() {
  const [modalWindow, setModalWindow] = useState(false)
  const [mwState, setMwState] = useState();
  const theme = useTheme();
  const [userUID, setUserUID] = useState()
  const auth = getAuth();
  const [textInput, setTextInput] = useState([])
  const [evaluations, setEvaluations] = useState([])
  const [itemIndex, setItemIndex] = useState()

  //Get data from Firebase.
  useEffect(() => {
    onAuthStateChanged(auth, (user) => {
    const UserUID = user.uid;
    const evaluation = onSnapshot(doc(db, 'users',  UserUID, 'evaluations', 'SecondCours', 'FirstSemestr', 'FirstSemestr'), (doc) => {
      const data = doc.data();
      setEvaluations(Object.entries(data).map(([key, value]) => {return {'key': key, 'subject': ' ' key, 'marks': ' ' value.join(', ') ' ', 'itog': value.reduce((r,i) => r   i/value.length, 0.0).toFixed(1)}}))
      return { evaluation }
  }, [])

   //Edit Subject
   const EditSubject = () => {
    const addSub = doc(db, 'users', userUID, 'evaluations', 'SecondCours', 'FirstSemestr', 'FirstSemestr');
    if (textInput != undefined) {
    updateDoc(addSub, {[itemIndex.key]: [item]});
    } else {

  const item = Object.entries(textInput).map((key, item) => {return key});
   //Open my ModalWindow
   const editSubject = (item) => {

   const cancellation = () => {

  return (
    <View style={[{backgroundColor: theme.colors.boxBackground, alignItems: 'center'}]}>
        style={{width: '100%'}}
        showsVerticalScrollIndicator ={false}

      <Modal statusBarTranslucent transparent={true} animationType='fade' visible={modalWindow}>
        <View style={[{backgroundColor: theme.colors.addSubject}, styles.modalWindow]}>
        {mwState == 'eddSub' ? 
        <Text style={[{color: theme.colors.text1}, styles.modalHeaderText]}>Добавление предмета</Text>:
        mwState == 'delSub' ? 
        <Text style={[{color: theme.colors.text1}, styles.modalHeaderText]}>Удаление предмета</Text>: 
        mwState == 'editSub' ? 
        <Text style={[{color: theme.colors.text1}, styles.modalHeaderText]}>Изменение предмета</Text>:
        <Text style={[{color: theme.colors.text1}, styles.modalHeaderText]}></Text>
        {mwState == 'eddSub' ? 
        <TextInput style={[{backgroundColor: theme.colors.addSubjectText, color: theme.colors.text1}, styles.TInput]} maxLength={15} onChangeText={text => setTextInput(text)}/>:
        mwState == 'delSub' ? 
        <Text style={[{color: '#ad1a00'}, styles.modalHeaderText]}>Вы дейстительно хотите удалить предмет {itemIndex.key}?</Text>: 
        mwState == 'editSub' ? 
        style={{width: '100%'}}
        showsVerticalScrollIndicator ={false}
        <View style={{flexDirection: 'row', marginLeft: 5, marginTop: 5, marginBottom: 5}}>
        <Text style={[{color: '#fff', borderWidth: 1}, styles.modalHeaderText]}>{itemIndex.key}</Text>
        <Text selectable={true} style={[{color: '#fff', borderWidth: 1}, styles.modalHeaderText]}>{itemIndex.marks}</Text>
        <Text style={[{color: '#fff', marginBottom: 5}, styles.modalHeaderText]}>Для изменения введите все оценки {"\n"} (можно скопировать сверху)</Text>

        //Edit my Marks
        <TextInput style={[{backgroundColor: theme.colors.addSubjectText, color: theme.colors.text1}, styles.TInput]} keyboardType = 'numeric' onChangeText={text => setTextInput(text)}/>
        <Text style={[{color: theme.colors.text1}, styles.modalHeaderText]}></Text>
        {mwState == 'eddSub' ? 
        <View style={styles.buttonStyles}>
          style={[{backgroundColor: '#ad3f00'}, styles.button]}
           <Text style={[{color: theme.colors.text1}, styles.buttonText]}>Отмена</Text>
          style={[{backgroundColor: '#00ad5c'}, styles.button]}
           <Text style={[{color: theme.colors.text1}, styles.buttonText]}>Добавить</Text>
        mwState == 'delSub' ? 
        <View style={styles.buttonStyles}>
          style={[{backgroundColor: '#00ad5c'}, styles.button]}
           <Text style={[{color: theme.colors.text1}, styles.buttonText]}>Отмена</Text>
          disabled={butDisTimer == 0 ? false : true}
          style={[{backgroundColor: butDisTimer == 0 ? '#ad3f00' : '#642500', }, styles.button]}
           <Text style={[{color: theme.colors.text1}, styles.buttonText]}>{butDisTimer == 0 ? 'Удалить' : butDisTimer}</Text>
        mwState == 'editSub' ? 
        <View style={styles.buttonStyles}>
          style={[{backgroundColor: '#ad3f00'}, styles.button]}
           <Text style={[{color: theme.colors.text1}, styles.buttonText]}>Отмена</Text>
          style={[{backgroundColor: '#00ad5c'}, styles.button]}
           <Text style={[{color: theme.colors.text1}, styles.buttonText]}>Изменить</Text>
        <Text style={[{color: theme.colors.text1}, styles.modalHeaderText]}></Text>

      //Displaying a table with subjects, grades, and the result of grades.
      <View style={{marginBottom: 10, width: '100%'}}>
      <View style={[styles.table]}>
        <Text style={[{color: theme.colors.text1}, styles.tableHeaderSubject]}>Предмет</Text>
        <Text style={[{color: theme.colors.text1}, styles.tableHeaderMarks]}>Оценки</Text>
        <Text style={[{color: theme.colors.text1, backgroundColor: theme.colors.background}, styles.tableHeaderItog]}>Итог</Text>
        <Text style={[{color: theme.colors.text1}, styles.tableHeaderEdit]}>Изменить</Text>
      <View style={[styles.table]}>
      showsVerticalScrollIndicator = {false}
      showsHorizontalScrollIndicator = {false}
      data={evaluations.sort((a, b) => a.key.localeCompare(b.key))} 
      renderItem={({item}) => (
        <View style={[styles.table]}>
        <Text style={[{color: theme.colors.text1, width: 175,}, styles.tableSubject]}>{item.subject}</Text>
        <Text style={[{color: theme.colors.text1, flex: 1}, styles.tableMarks]}>{item.marks}</Text>
        <Text style={[{color: theme.colors.text1, width: 60, backgroundColor: theme.colors.background}, styles.tableItog]}>{item.itog}</Text>
        <View style={[{width: 98, flexDirection: 'row'}]}>
        onPress={() => editSubject(item)}
        style={[{}, styles.editButton]}
          <AntDesign name="edit" size={26} color={'#008648'} />
        onPress={() => delSubject(item)}
        style={[{}, styles.editButton]}
          <AntDesign name="delete" size={26} color={'#ad3f00'} />
        onPress={() => eddSubject()}
          <Text style={[{color: theme.colors.text1}, gStyle.CouEvalTableNewEvalText]}>Добавить предмет</Text>
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