I have Combobox in userform for 12 months. combobox populate dates in rows according to month. I select "January" and I have 31 dates in rows. I am trying to clear the formula (with every change of month from the rest of the rows when I select "February" (28 dates) or any month which have less than 31 dates.
The code I used is below :
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("Month")
With Me.cmb_mnth
.AddItem "January"
.AddItem "February"
.AddItem "March"
.AddItem "April"
.AddItem "May"
.AddItem "June"
.AddItem "July"
.AddItem "August"
.AddItem "September"
.AddItem "October"
.AddItem "November"
.AddItem "December"
.ListIndex = 9
End With
End Sub
Private Sub cmb_mnth_Change()
Dim sh As Worksheet
Set sh = Worksheets("Month")
sh.Range("B2").Value = Me.cmb_mnth.Value
sh.Range("A1:A31").Value = "=IFERROR(TEXT(RC[3],""dddd""),"""")"
sh.Range("D1:D31").Value = "=IFERROR(IF(ROWS(R1C:RC)>DAY(EOMONTH(DATE(YEAR(TODAY()),MONTH(R2C2&1),1),0)),"""",DATE(YEAR(TODAY()),MONTH(R2C2&1),ROW(Sheet4!RC[2]))),"""")"
sh.Range("E1:E31").Value = "=IFERROR(DAY(RC[-1]),"""")"
End Sub
CodePudding user response:
First clear the range like FaneDuru showed you then get the correct daycount with:
Public Function GetDayCountOfMonth(year As Long, month As Long) As Long
GetDayCountOfMonth = Day(DateSerial(year, month 1, 0))
End Function
you would call it with
x = GetDayCountOfMonth(2022,cmb_mnth.listindex 1) ' 2022 yor year
And then you fill the range accordingly
sh.Range("A1:A" & x).Value ' that is not really best better with cells but ...
Or you go the other way and fill the range like bevor and clear the range 31-x rows