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"Use of uninitialized value $prop_value in scalar chomp at configure line 473" OpenDDS con


I am trying to configure OpenDDS library with Windows 11 and Visual Studio 2022.

I ran the configure file through the Visual Studio Command Prompt and I get the following error.

Downloading ACE TAO 2.2a with latest patches
Extracting archive ACE TAO-2.2a_with_latest_patches_NO_makefiles.zip
Use of uninitialized value $prop_value in scalar chomp at configure line 473.
Couldn't get submodule.tools/rapidjson.openddsConfigureCommit from .gitmodules
Stopped at configure line 475.
ERROR: configure failed with errorcode 1

The configure.cmd file has the following code

@echo off
:: Win32 configure script wrapper for OpenDDS
:: Distributed under the OpenDDS License.
:: See: http://www.opendds.org/license.html

for %%x in (perl.exe) do set PERLPATH=%%~dp$PATH:x
if "x%PERLPATH%"=="x" (
  echo ERROR: perl.exe was not found.  This script requires Perl.
  exit /b 1
perl configure %*
  echo ERROR: configure failed with errorcode %errorlevel%
  exit /b %errorlevel%
if exist setenv.cmd call setenv.cmd

And I believe the configure file with perl is here https://github.com/objectcomputing/OpenDDS/blob/master/configure

I cross referenced this question "Use of uninitialized value in scalar chomp" in Perl, but I unfortunately do not code in Perl so I do not know how to solve this issue.

CodePudding user response:

This is about a pipe file handle that has failed to read what it was supposed to, as described in the code you linked. Line 473 is inside this relatively brief subroutine:

sub git_submodule_prop {
  my $path = shift;
  my $prop_name = shift;
  my $full_prop_name = "submodule.$path.$prop_name";
  open(my $fd, "-|", "git config --file .gitmodules --get $full_prop_name")
    or die("git_submodule_prop open failed: $!\nStopped");
  my $prop_value = <$fd>;
  if (!$prop_value) {
    die("Couldn't get $full_prop_name from .gitmodules\nStopped");
  return $prop_value;

The error message says nothing especially noteworthy, except that the function chomp is used on an undefined value. The "real" error message comes below it:

Couldn't get submodule.tools/rapidjson.openddsConfigureCommit from .gitmodules
Stopped at configure line 475.

In the code you can see it tries to open a pipe to a git process, which apparently did open (because it did not die there), but then does not read anything from the file handle

my $prop_value = <$fd>;

Which then causes the code to die.

  if (!$prop_value) {
    die("Couldn't get $full_prop_name from .gitmodules\nStopped");

What you need to investigate, perhaps, is why the git process did not read anything from the pipe.

CodePudding user response:

Like @TLP mentioned https://stackoverflow.com/a/74026678/8869703, it was indeed a failure with git.

The compressed file from OpenDDS did not contain a git package, so I could not rely on the file from https://opendds.org/downloads.html.

I followed the following steps that I found from the comments by @simpsont-oci here https://github.com/objectcomputing/OpenDDS/discussions/3784 :

  • git clone https://github.com/objectcomputing/OpenDDS.git
  • In the OpenDDS folder -> git submodule init
  • git submodule update
  • Through the VS Command Line configure

This worked for me.

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