Home > Back-end >  Delphi how to import data from the excel to the sql2008?
Delphi how to import data from the excel to the sql2008?


As title, I see baidu garage with related code, but many in the paste to delpi are wrong for example
ExcelApp, WorkBook: Olevariant;
ExcelApp:=CreateOleObject (' Excel. Application);

Creatoleobject is red wavy lines, here, the display is wrong
Have superior to I can realize the function of the complete code for ah ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

CodePudding user response:

CreateOleObject place error, because there is no reference ComObj unit

CodePudding user response:

reference 1st floor twtynk1 response:
CreateOleObject error, because there is no reference ComObj unit

Ok ~ ~ THX ~ ~

ExcelApp, WorkBook: Olevariant;

ExcelRowCount:=WorkBook. WorkSheets [1]. UsedRange. Rows. Count ;
For I:=1 to + 1 do excelrowcount
The begin
Excelx:=excelapp Cells [I, 1]. Value ;
Excely:=excelapp Cells [I, 2]. Value ;
Are here is because I don't have a reference?

CodePudding user response:

Anything wrong

CodePudding user response:

refer to the second floor u011609265 response:
Quote: refer to 1st floor twtynk1 response:

CreateOleObject place error, because there is no reference ComObj unit

Ok ~ ~ THX ~ ~

ExcelApp, WorkBook: Olevariant;

ExcelRowCount:=WorkBook. WorkSheets [1]. UsedRange. Rows. Count ;
For I:=1 to + 1 do excelrowcount
The begin
Excelx:=excelapp Cells [I, 1]. Value ;
Excely:=excelapp Cells [I, 2]. Value ;
Are here is because I don't have a reference?

Reference: ComObj
Here is the import code:
ASql APath: String;
ExcelApp: Variant;
AInt: Integer;
The begin
With ADOQuery2 do
The begin
The Close;
SQL. The Clear;
SQL. The Add (' select MAX (ordno) as SDREN from ordtelf ');
The Open;
If FieldByName (' SDREN). AsString<> "' then
The begin
MessageBox (Self. Handle, 'you have unfinished import data database, please wait until the data to complete the import! 'and' system ', mb_iconquestion);
The else
The begin

If messagebox (Self. Handle, 'please select a business distribution packet! ', 'prompt', mb_yesno + mb_iconquestion)=idyes then
The begin
If OpenDialog1. Execute Then
APath:=OpenDialog1 FileName
The Else
The Exit;

If not FileExists (APath) Then
The Begin
Messagebox (self. Handle, 'the file does not save you choose, please check it', 'message' mb_iconinformation);
The Exit;
The End;
Application. ProcessMessages;
ExcelApp:=CreateOleObject (' Excel. Application);
ExcelApp. Workbooks. Open (APath);
ExcelApp. WorkSheets [1]. Activate;

ASql:='select * from lf the where 1=2'.//the name of the table, also can be in the show opens first data set
ADOQuery1. Close;//LockType attribute of a data set to set as ltBatchOptimistic
ADOQuery1. SQL. Text:=ASql;//to batch save
ADOQuery1. Open;

For AInt:=2 To ExcelApp. ActiveSheet. UsedRange. Rows. Count the Do//AInt starting line number, the heavy line which began To import, AInt initial value is a few
The Begin
ADOQuery1. Append;
ADOQuery1. FieldByName (' ordno). AsString:=ExcelApp. Cells [AInt, 1]. The Value; What is the row,//Aint behind the Numbers is which columns,
ADOQuery1. FieldByName (' ordtype). AsString:=ExcelApp. Cells [AInt, 2]. The Value;
ADOQuery1. FieldByName (' ordbdate). AsDateTime:=ExcelApp. Cells [AInt, 3]. The Value;
ADOQuery1. FieldByName (' ordedate). AsDateTime:=ExcelApp. Cells [AInt, 4]. The Value;
ADOQuery1. FieldByName (' ordsd). AsString:=ExcelApp. Cells [AInt, 5]. The Value;
ADOQuery1. FieldByName (' ordmd). AsString:=ExcelApp. Cells [AInt, 6]. The Value;
ADOQuery1. FieldByName (' ordcity). AsString:=ExcelApp. Cells [AInt, 7]. The Value;
ADOQuery1. FieldByName (' ordcon). AsString:=ExcelApp. Cells [AInt, 8]. The Value;
ADOQuery1. FieldByName (' ordadd). AsString:=ExcelApp. Cells [AInt, 9]. Value;
ADOQuery1. FieldByName (' ordtel). AsString:=ExcelApp. Cells [AInt, 10]. Value;
ADOQuery1. FieldByName (' ordmey). AsString:=ExcelApp. Cells [AInt, 11]. Value;
ADOQuery1. FieldByName (' ordsku). AsString:=ExcelApp. Cells [AInt, 12]. Value;
ADOQuery1. FieldByName (' ordskuname). AsString:=ExcelApp. Cells [AInt, 13]. Value;
ADOQuery1. FieldByName (' ordqty). AsFloat:=ExcelApp. Cells [AInt, 14]. Value;
ADOQuery1. FieldByName (' ordte). AsString:=ExcelApp. Cells [AInt, 15]. Value;
ADOQuery1. Post;
The End;
The Finally
ExcelApp. WorkBooks. Close;
ExcelApp. Quit;
The End;


CodePudding user response:

Post your anomaly information, and anomaly breakpoints in the code that,

CodePudding user response:

CodePudding user response:

This contact, for the first time, the above is my copy from the Internet to the modified code where it is wrong,,

CodePudding user response:

Can you compile?

CodePudding user response:

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