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Sum Case between relative dates


I'm triying to add quantities of fuels from two tables.

  • Payments table contains data about customers and dates.
  • Fuels table contains data about fuels recharged.

I need to add the litres by customer in 3 groups:

  1. from yesterday until 46 days
  2. 47 days ago until 91
  3. 366 days ago until 410

Then I created this code:

The structure of the tables are:

TABLE payments

customer id date
AAA 001 2022-10-17
BBB 002 2021-10-01
CCC 003 2022-09-30
DDD 004 2022-07-10
DDD 005 2022-06-03
EEE 006 2021-09-27
EEE 007 2022-10-01
FFF 008 2021-08-31

TABLE fuels

id litres
001 30
002 20
003 40
004 30
005 20
006 10
007 56
008 22
SELECT payments.customer,   
                WHEN ((TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, payments.date, now()) > 1) AND (TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, payments.date, now()) <= 46))
                THEN fuels.litres 
                ELSE 0 
           END) AS "Quantity_d",
                WHEN ((TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, payments.date, now()) > 46) AND (TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, payments.date, now()) <= 91))
                THEN fuels.litres 
                ELSE 0 
           END) AS "Quantity_d2",
                WHEN ((TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, payments.date, now()) > 365) AND (TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, payments.date, now()) <= 410))
                THEN fuels.litres 
                ELSE 0 
           END) AS "Quantity_d3"
FROM payments
INNER JOIN fuels ON fuels.id=payments.id
WHERE payments.date > ADDDATE(now(),-411)
GROUP BY customer

The result is that Quantity_d1 is adding from yesterday until day 410, Quantity_d2 from 45 days ago until 410 and Quantity_d3 from 365 days ago until 410.

What am I doing wrong?


CodePudding user response:

Without knowing the table structures and relationships, I do find it odd that you're joining on payments.id and fuels.id as those both look like primary key fields. Is it possible that you are joining the wrong id fields, e.g. fuels.id = payments.fuel_id?

CodePudding user response:

If I run your SQL without changes I get exactly what is specified:

customer Quantity_d Quantity_d2 Quantity_d3
AAA 30 0 0
BBB 0 0 20
CCC 40 0 0
DDD 0 0 0
EEE 56 0 10

If you still have issues, please explain!

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