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Code Skipping Over If and Immediately Going to Else


Prior to adding some error handling my code was working as expected, detecting row indexes and then seeing if row values repeated. However, when I added a line to throw a message box if the column B (Parameter) and column C (RoutingStep) row combinations did not exist, it is now skipping over everything in the If statement and going straight to the Else MsgBox "Row combination " & parametername & " and " & routingname & " cannot be found. Check before running again.", vbCritical line. When debugging, I know that parametername and routingname are set to the correct values. If I remove the Else portion of the code it works fine.

Here is my code:

Function getrowindex(WDnum As String, parametername As String, routingname As String, Optional partialFirst As Boolean = False, Optional partialSecond As Boolean = False)
Dim ws As Worksheet, rowname As Range, addr As String, copy As Long, Output As Integer, rngParam As Range, rngRouting As Range

Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(WDnum)

Set rowname = ws.Columns(Parameter).Find(What:=parametername, Lookat:=IIf(partialFirst, xlPart, xlWhole), LookIn:=xlFormulas, MatchCase:=True) 

If Not rowname Is Nothing Then 
    addr = rowname.Address 
    If partialSecond Then routingname = "*" & routingname & "*"
        If rowname.EntireRow.Columns(RoutingStep).Value Like routingname Then 
            If rngParam Is Nothing Then 
                Set rngParam = ws.Range(rowname, ws.Cells(Rows.Count, Parameter))
                Set rngRouting = rngParam.EntireRow.Columns(RoutingStep)
                If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIfs(rngParam, parametername, rngRouting, routingname) > 1 Then 
                    MsgBox "This row combination of " & parametername & " and " & routingname & _
                           " appears in multiple lines. Check before running again.", vbCritical 
                End If
            End If
            getrowindex = rowname.Row 
            Exit Do
   '##### the line below is where the code is immediately jumping to when calling this function     
        MsgBox "Row combination " & parametername & " and " & routingname & " cannot be found. Check before running again.", vbCritical
        End If
        Set rowname = ws.Columns(Parameter).FindNext(After:=rowname)
    Loop While rowname.Address <> addr 
    MsgBox parametername & " row could not be found. Check before running again.", vbCritical
End If

End Function

CodePudding user response:

Like this:

Function getrowindex(WDnum As String, parametername As String, routingname As String, _
                     Optional partialFirst As Boolean = False, _
                     Optional partialSecond As Boolean = False) As Long
    Dim ws As Worksheet, rowname As Range, addr As String
    Dim copy As Long, Output As Integer, rngParam As Range, rngRouting As Range

    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(WDnum)

    Set rowname = ws.Columns(Parameter).Find(What:=parametername, _
                             Lookat:=IIf(partialFirst, xlPart, xlWhole), _
                             LookIn:=xlFormulas, MatchCase:=True)

    If Not rowname Is Nothing Then
        addr = rowname.Address
        If partialSecond Then routingname = "*" & routingname & "*" 'partial match?
            If rowname.EntireRow.Columns(RoutingStep).Value Like routingname Then
                'got a match - check if more matches exist...
                If rngParam Is Nothing Then
                    Set rngParam = ws.Range(rowname, ws.Cells(Rows.Count, Parameter))
                    Set rngRouting = rngParam.EntireRow.Columns(RoutingStep)
                    If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIfs(rngParam, parametername, rngRouting, routingname) > 1 Then
                        MsgBox "This row combination of '" & parametername & "' and '" & routingname & _
                               "' appears in multiple lines. Check before running again.", vbCritical
                    End If
                End If
                getrowindex = rowname.Row 'got a single match...
                Exit Do
            End If 'match on second parameter
            Set rowname = ws.Columns(Parameter).FindNext(After:=rowname)
        Loop While rowname.Address <> addr
        If getrowindex = 0 Then 'was any row match made?
            MsgBox "Row combination '" & parametername & "' and '" & routingname & _
                   "' cannot be found. Check before running again.", vbCritical
        End If
    Else 'no match on first parameter
        MsgBox parametername & " row could not be found. Check before running again.", vbCritical
    End If

End Function
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