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How do I improve this for loop in python, maybe numpy arrays?


This code works but is too slow, any ideas for improvement would be appreciated. Numpy arrays?, other?

MOV_10 = MOV_09.copy()
MOV_10['Estatus'] = ""
for i in range(0, len(MOV_10[['UUID']])):
    u = MOV_10.loc[i][0]
    w = MOV_10.loc[i][1]
    tempu = Estatus.loc[Estatus['UUID'] == u]
    tempw = Estatus.loc[Estatus['UUID'] == w]
        if w == 'N/A':
            MOV_10.loc[i, 'Estatus'] = int(tempu.iloc[0, 1])
            MOV_10.loc[i, 'Estatus'] = int(tempu.iloc[0, 1]) \
                * int(tempw.iloc[0, 1])
    except IndexError:
        MOV_10.loc[i, 'Estatus'] = 0

#Estatus table, Mov_09 Table, Mov_10 Table, expected result

UUID Estatus
0 a 0
1 b 1
2 x 1
3 y 1
UUID UIID_2 estatus
0 a x
1 b y
UUID UIID_2 estatus
0 a x 0*1
1 b y 1*1

CodePudding user response:

You should be able to do much better than your existing method. I assume your existing data structure is a pandas dataframe. If so, it's very straightforward swap to use vector operations for a lot of the calculations. This approach should also scale much better than your approach.

uuid_index = Estatus.set_index('UUID').rename(columns={'Estatus': 'val'})
out = pd.DataFrame({ 'UUID': MOV_09.UUID.values, 'UIID2': MOV_09.UIID2.values }).join(uuid_index, on=['UUID']).join(uuid_index, on=['UIID2'], rsuffix='_uiid2')
out['Estatus'] = 0
out.loc[out.val_uiid2 != 0, 'Estatus'] = out.val / out.val_uiid2

using this approach gives the following performance improvement for a dataset of with 1000 entries in the MOV_09 table:

Method Time Relative
Original 8.066573400050402 193.82507958031653
Swapping to joining dataframes 0.04161780001595616 1.0

I have attached the test code below:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import random
import timeit

# generate test data
iterations = 10
uuid_count = 1000
mov_count = 1000

uuid_values = [(hex(i), random.random(), random.randint(0, 1)) for i in range(uuid_count)]
uuid_values.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])

def rand_uuid():
    return uuid_values[random.randint(0, uuid_count - 1)][0]

mov_values = set()
for i in range(mov_count):
    uuid = rand_uuid()
    while not ((uiid2 := rand_uuid()) and not (pair := (uuid, uiid2)) in mov_values): pass

Estatus = pd.DataFrame({
    'UUID': [v[0] for v in uuid_values],
    'Estatus': [v[2] for v in uuid_values],

MOV_09 = pd.DataFrame({
    'UUID': [t[0] for t in mov_values],
    'UIID2': [t[1] for t in mov_values],

# base method
def method0():
    MOV_10 = MOV_09.copy()
    MOV_10['Estatus'] = ""
    for i in range(0, len(MOV_10[['UUID']])):
        u = MOV_10.loc[i][0]
        w = MOV_10.loc[i][1]
        tempu = Estatus.loc[Estatus['UUID'] == u]
        tempw = Estatus.loc[Estatus['UUID'] == w]
            if w == 'N/A':
                MOV_10.loc[i, 'Estatus'] = int(tempu.iloc[0, 1])
                MOV_10.loc[i, 'Estatus'] = int(tempu.iloc[0, 1]) \
                    * int(tempw.iloc[0, 1])
        except IndexError:
            MOV_10.loc[i, 'Estatus'] = 0
    return MOV_10

# updated method
def method1():
    uuid_index = Estatus.set_index('UUID').rename(columns={'Estatus': 'val'})
    out = pd.DataFrame({ 'UUID': MOV_09.UUID.values, 'UIID2': MOV_09.UIID2.values }).join(uuid_index, on=['UUID']).join(uuid_index, on=['UIID2'], rsuffix='_uiid2')
    out['Estatus'] = 0
    out.loc[out.val_uiid2 != 0, 'Estatus'] = out.val / out.val_uiid2
    return out[['UUID', 'UIID2', 'Estatus']]

m0 = method0()
m0['Estatus'] = m0.Estatus.astype(np.int64)
pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(m0, method1())

t0 = timeit.timeit(lambda: method0(), number=iterations)
t1 = timeit.timeit(lambda: method1(), number=iterations)

tmin = min((t0, t1))

print(f'| Method                                  | Time | Relative      |')
print(f'|------------------                       |----------------------|')
print(f'| Original                                | {t0} | {t0 / tmin}   |')
print(f'| Swap to joining dataframes              | {t1} | {t1 / tmin}   |')

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