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Why my linear table book information management code to run is not completed, save the children


# define MAXSIZE 100
Typedef int the status;
Typedef struct
{char bname [100].
Char bno [100]. } the BOOK;
Typedef struct
{BOOK * elem;
int length;
Int listsize; } sqlist;

Int search (sqlist * l, BOOK e)
{the for (int I=0; IIf (STRCMP (e.b name, l - & gt; Elem [I] bname)==0)
return i+1;
return 0; }

Int locateElem (sqlist * l)
{int I;
I=l - & gt; Length;
return i; }

Int research (sqlist * l, BOOK e)
{the for (int I=0; IIf (STRCMP (e.b no, l - & gt; Elem [I] bno)==0)
return i+1;
return 0; }

The status init (sqlist * l)
{l - & gt; Elem=NULL;
L - & gt; Elem=(BOOK *) malloc (sizeof (BOOK) * MAXSIZE);
if(! L - & gt; Elem)
return 0;
L - & gt; length=0;
L - & gt; Listsize=MAXSIZE;
return 1; }

Void input (BOOK * e)
Printf (" please enter the book information: \ n ");
Printf (" title, isbn \ n ");
The scanf (" % s % s ", e - & gt; Bname, e - & gt; Bno); }

The status listinsert (sqlist * l, int & amp; I, the BOOK e)
{if (l - & gt; Length==MAXSIZE)
return 0;
If (i<1 | | i> L - & gt; Length + 1)
return 0;
For (int k=l - & gt; Length; K>=I - 1; K -)
L - & gt; Elem [k + 1)=l - & gt; Elem [k].
L - & gt; Elem] [I - 1=e;
+ + l - & gt; Length;
return 1; }

Status listdelete (sqlist * l, int I BOOK * e)
{if (l - & gt; Length==0) return 0;
If ((i<1) | | (i> L - & gt; Length)) return 0;
* e=l - & gt; Elem [I - 1);
For (int k=I; K<=l - & gt; Length - 1. K++)
L - & gt; Elem] [k - 1=l - & gt; Elem [k].
- l - & gt; Length;
return 1; }

Void change (sqlist * l, BOOK e)
{the for (int I=0; I{if (strcpy (e.b name, l - & gt; Elem [I] bname)==0)
Strcpy (l - & gt; Elem [I]. Bno, e.b no); }}

Void the output (the BOOK * e)
Printf (" % s % s ", e - & gt; Bname, e - & gt; Bno);
printf("\n"); }

Int main ()
{sqlist l;
The BOOK e, b, d, c;
Int I, j, a, g, f;
Init (& amp; L);
Printf (" please enter the number of books \ n ");
The scanf (" % d ", & amp; a);
for(i=0; IInput (& amp; L.e lem [I]);
Printf (" please enter the need to insert elements and seat: \ n ");
The scanf (" % s % s ", & amp; B.b name, & amp; B.b no);
The scanf (" % d ", & amp; i);
Listinsert (& amp; L, I, b);
Printf (" please enter to delete elements table: \ n ");
The scanf (" % d ", & amp; J);
Listdelete (& amp; L, j, l.e lem);
Printf (" please enter the need to find the isbn \ n ");
The scanf (" % s ", & amp; E.b no);
G=research (& amp; L, e);
Printf (" table for long: \ n ");
LocateElem (& amp; L);
Printf (" please enter the need to find the title of \ n ");
The scanf (" % s ", & amp; Db name);
F=search (& amp; L, d);
Printf (" please input to modify the title of the book: \ n ");
The scanf (" % s ", & amp; Mount name);
Printf (" please enter a number changes: \ n ");
Printf (" % s ", & amp; Mount no);
Change (& amp; L, c);
for(i=0; IThe output (& amp; L.e lem [I]);
return 0; }
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