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Whitespace issues, Python dice roll simulator


My output differs from what my professor wants, below is my code, my output, and the desired output. The white space between the number and the 's' and the ':' is the issue, it shouldn't be there. I've tried the leading whitespace strip function, the trailing one, the join function. I keep getting errors. Something simple that I can just add in is best. Please help!!!

    import random
roll_list = []  #empty list for appending rolls
num_rolls = 100 #number of times the program will run

def init_list(): #defines initial list for possible outcomes
    for x in range(0,13):

def roll_dice(): #rolls the dice and sums the outcomes
    dice1 = random.randint(1,6)#random operator to make all rolls random 1-6
    dice2 = random.randint(1,6)
    roll = dice1   dice2 #sum of each roll 
    return roll  #keeps the program in this loop

def update_list(roll): #defines updated list of possible outcomes
    previousvalue = roll_list.pop(roll)
    roll_list.insert(roll,previousvalue   1)

def print_histogram(): #defines the for loop below, printing the desired outcome
  for numbers in range(2, 13):
    print((numbers), 's', ':', '*' * roll_list[numbers])

# main program
init_list() #executeds first def, list of values 2-12
for y in range(0,num_rolls): #excecutes second def, roll dice, 100 times
  update_list(roll_dice())#executes third def, updated list 100 values long

print_histogram() #excecutes fourth def, printing desired outcome

My output:

2 s : ****
3 s : ***
4 s : ************
5 s : ***********
6 s : ******************
7 s : ************
8 s : ************
9 s : **********
10 s : **********
11 s : ****
12 s : ****

Desired output:

2s: *****
3s: *********
4s: *******
5s: ****
6s: ************
7s: *****
8s: **********
9s: **
10s: ********
11s: ****
12s: *************

CodePudding user response:

By default, print puts a space between each argument supplied to it. You can override this by specifying the sep argument... but it's usually easier to provide one argument, which you can build as an f-string.

print(f'{numbers}s: {"*" * roll_list[numbers]}')

CodePudding user response:


print("%ds:" % numbers, '*' * roll_list[numbers])


print(f"{numbers}s:", '*' * roll_list[numbers])

CodePudding user response:

There is some issue with the printing function. See this

def print_histogram(): #defines the for loop below, printing the desired outcome
  for numbers in range(2, 13):
    print(f'{numbers}s', ':', '*' * roll_list[numbers])

Almost identical, but i changed the first argument of print(), putting numbers inside a formatted string, where i have more control.

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