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Command output with empty values to csv



nvme0n1                              894.3G disk
nvme0n1p1              [SWAP]            4G part
nvme0n1p2                                1G part
nvme0n1p3 root         /home/cg/root 889.3G part

I need the output of this command in csv format, but all the methods I've tried so far don't handle the empty values correctly, thus generating bad rows like these I got with sed:

> lsblk -o NAME,LABEL,FSTYPE,MOUNTPOINT,SIZE,TYPE -x NAME | sed -E 's/  /,/g'


Any idea how to add the extra commas for the empty fields?


CodePudding user response:

Make sure that the fields that are possibly empty are at the end of the line. And then re-arrange them in the required sequence.

lsblk -o NAME,SIZE,TYPE,FSTYPE,MOUNTPOINT,LABEL -x NAME   | awk '{ print $1,";",$6,";",$4,";",$5,";",$2,";",$3 }'

CodePudding user response:

Not really bash, but a quick and dirty Perl would be something like:

my $state=0;
my @input=<>;
my $maxlength=0;
for my $line ( 0 .. $#input){
        my $curlength= length($input[$line]);
        if ($curlength>$maxlength){$maxlength=$curlength;}
my $fill=' ' x $maxlength;
for my $line ( 0 .. $#input){
        chomp $input[$line];
        $input[$line]="$input[$line] $fill";

for (my $pos=0; $pos<$maxlength; $pos  ){
        my $spacecol=1;
        for my $line ( 0 .. $#input){
                if (substr($input[$line],$pos,1) ne ' '){
        if ($spacecol==1){
                for my $line ( 0 .. $#input){

for my $line ( 0 .. $#input){
        print "$input[$line]\n";

CodePudding user response:


  • output format is fixed-width
  • header record does not contain any blank fields
  • no fields contain white space (ie, only white space occurs between fields)
  • have access to GNU awk (for multi-dimensional arrays) (otherwise we'll need a 2-pass solution ... doable but a bit more coding)

Design overview:

  • parse header to get initial index for each field; if all columns are left-justified then this would be all we need to do however, with the existence of right-justified columns (eg, SIZE) we need to look for right-justified values that are longer than the associated header field (ie, the value has a lower index than the associated header)
  • for non-header rows we loop through our set of potential fields, using substr()/match() to find the non-space fields in the line and ...
  • if said field starts and ends before the next field's index then store in array as current field value but ...
  • if said field starts before next field's index but ends after next field's index then we're looking at a right-justified value of the next field which happens to have an earlier index than the associated header's index; in this case update the index for the next field
  • if said field starts after the index of the next field then the current field is empty (we could store a blank in the array but a missing array entry automatically evaulates as blank, so no need to save anything in the array for a missing field)
  • in the END{} block print our array to stdout

One awk idea:

awk '
BEGIN   { OFS="," }

# use header record to determine initial set of indexes

NR==1   { maxNF=NF   
          for (i=1;i<=maxNF;i  ) {
              match(header,/[^[:space:]] /)                             # find first non-space string
              ndx[i]=ndx[i-1]   prevlen   RSTART - (i==1 ? 0 : 1)       # make note of index
              fields[FNR][i]=substr(header,RSTART,RLENGTH)              # save value in fields[][] array
              prevlen=RLENGTH                                           # need for next pass through loop
              header=substr(header,RSTART RLENGTH)                      # strip off matched string and repeat loop

# for rest of records need to determine which fields are empty and/or which fields need the associated index updated

        { for (i=1;i<maxNF;i  ) {                                       # loop through all but last field
              restofline=substr($0,ndx[i])                              # work with current field thru to end of line
              if ( match(restofline,/[^[:space:]] /) )                  # if we find a non-space match ...
                 if ( ndx[i]-1 RSTART < ndx[i 1] )                      # if match starts before index of next field and ...
                    if ( ndx[i]-1 RSTART RLENGTH < ndx[i 1] )           # ends before index of next field then ...
                       fields[FNR][i]=substr(restofline,RSTART,RLENGTH) # store the value in our array
                    else {                                              # else if match finished beyond index of next field then ...
                       diff=ndx[i 1]-(ndx[i] RSTART-1)                  # figure the difference and ...
                       ndx[i 1]-=diff                                   # update the index for the next field
          field=substr($0,ndx[maxNF])                                   # process last field
          gsub(/[[:space:]]/,"",field)                                  # remove all remaining spaces
          if (field)                                                    # if non-empty then ...
             fields[FNR][maxNF]=field                                   # save in array


# print our array

END     { for (i=1;i<=FNR;i  )
              for (j=1;j<=maxNF;j  )
                  printf "%s%s",fields[i][j], (j==maxNF ? "\n" : OFS)
' lsblk.out

This generates:

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