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Convert AccountExpirationDate into a compareable Datetype


i tried to create a tool for my company to send an email to our IT when a user account is expired.

This part works fine so far.

But we have an issue. Sometimes we change the expiration date of the accounts. The problem is that i saved the names into a txt file because we run that script every night to check for new expired accounts. If that txt wouldn´t exist, then we would get hundrets of emails every day.

I tried multiple convert things like "[Datetime] $UserAccountsExpiredDate -ge $TodaysDate" But there is always an error message like this:

"@{AccountExpirationDate=13.11.2022 00:00:00}" vom Typ "Selected.Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADUser" kann nicht in den Typ "System.DateTime" konvertiert 
In C:\Scripte\AbgelaufeneUserSkript\Abfrage_abgelaufene_User_NicoTest_Teiltest.ps1:38 Zeichen:9
       if(([Datetime] $userAccountExpiredDate -ge $TodaysDate))
      CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (:) [], RuntimeException
      FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvalidCastConstructorException

I know that many of you cant speak german. The AccountExpirationDate can´t be converted into System-Datetime.

I couldn´t find any solution, so im here right now. My original code is below this:

$Users = Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties Name, Enabled, AccountExpirationDate, LastLogonDate, department | ? {($_.AccountExpirationDate -NE $NULL -AND $_.AccountExpirationDate -LT (Get-Date)) }
$TxtPath = "C:\scripte\AbgelaufeneUserSkript\Abgelaufene_Benutzer.txt"
$UserDeactivated = Get-Content $TxtPath
$TodaysDate = (Get-Date).ToString()

if(Test-Path $TxtPath)

    New-Item $TxtPath

echo $TodaysDate

foreach($userintxt in Get-Content $TxtPath)
    Write-Host $userintxt
    $userAccountExpiredDate = (Get-ADUser $userintxt -Properties AccountExpirationDate) | Select-Object AccountExpirationDate

    Write-Host $userAccountExpiredDate
    echo $userintxt.Name
     if(($userAccountExpiredDate -ge $TodaysDate))
        Write-Host $userintxt.Name "This account is no more expired"
        Write-Host $userintxt.Name "This account is still expired"

CodePudding user response:

You can use [Datetime]::ParseExact to convert the string to a date time:

if for example your string date format is: 13.11.2022 00:00:00

You Can Parse it like this:

$Date = [datetime]::ParseExact("13.11.2022 00:00:00","dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss",$null)

Change the format as needed, see more information: Date Format and DateTime.ParseExact

CodePudding user response:

Since AccountExpirationDate is already a DateTime object (LDAP property accountExpires, converted to local time), you can compare it to another DateTime object directly.

Therefore, set $TodaysDate to a real DateTime object:

# do not stringify it, but instead take the date as DateTime object set to midnight
$TodaysDate = (Get-Date).Date  

Then your code only needs to Expand property AccountExpirationDate using

$userAccountExpiredDate = (Get-ADUser $userintxt -Properties AccountExpirationDate).AccountExpirationDate


$userAccountExpiredDate = Get-ADUser $userintxt -Properties AccountExpirationDate | Select-Object -ExpandProperty AccountExpirationDate

After that,

if ($userAccountExpiredDate -ge $TodaysDate) {..}

should work just fine.

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