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Google Sheets: How to auto split a data set in half to create a control and test group based on a co


I am looking to split a data set in half (consisting of 1000's rows) automatically as the same action needs to be done daily. The difficulty is that I need each Slot start time segment to be halved and separated so that there is a control group and a test group.

I have attached a screenshot showing the data on the left (Slot start segments go from 05:30 all the way to 23:00 in 30 minute segments), then what my expected output is like on the right.

I suspect some VBA script will be required (no idea where to even start) - worth noting that the data will always be copied into the same cells, but the amount of data can vary as well as how many deliveries are in each time slot.

Screenshot of the data set on the left with the desired outcome on the right --



Customer No. Delivery Date Slot Start Date Created
53930360 44855 05:30 44857
63544585 44855 05:30 44857
63541128 44855 05:30 44857
63545763 44855 05:30 44857
63541115 44855 05:30 44857
63544705 44855 05:30 44857
63537186 44855 05:30 44857
63537827 44855 05:30 44857
63501434 44855 06:00 44857
63541573 44855 06:00 44857
63518156 44855 06:00 44857
63512742 44855 06:00 44857
63542098 44855 06:00 44857
63542387 44855 06:00 44857
44643633 44855 06:00 44857
50709070 44855 06:00 44857
60258231 44855 06:00 44857
63475911 44855 06:00 44857
63538324 44855 06:00 44857
63528634 44855 06:00 44857
63535031 44855 06:00 44857
63534306 44855 06:00 44857
63532381 44855 06:00 44857
63547783 44855 06:00 44857
63518590 44855 06:00 44857
63539583 44855 06:00 44857
62220268 44855 06:00 44857

Desired output

Customer No. Delivery Date Slot Start Date Created Customer No. Delivery Date Slot Start Date Created
53930360 44855 05:30 44857 63541115 44855 05:30 44857
63544585 44855 05:30 44857 63544705 44855 05:30 44857
63541128 44855 05:30 44857 63537186 44855 05:30 44857
63545763 44855 05:30 44857 63537827 44855 05:30 44857
63501434 44855 06:00 44857 63475911 44855 06:00 44857
63541573 44855 06:00 44857 63538324 44855 06:00 44857
63518156 44855 06:00 44857 63528634 44855 06:00 44857
63512742 44855 06:00 44857 63535031 44855 06:00 44857
63542098 44855 06:00 44857 63534306 44855 06:00 44857
63542387 44855 06:00 44857 63532381 44855 06:00 44857
44643633 44855 06:00 44857 63547783 44855 06:00 44857
50709070 44855 06:00 44857 63518590 44855 06:00 44857
60258231 44855 06:00 44857 63539583 44855 06:00 44857
62220268 44855 06:00 44857

CodePudding user response:

The accepted answer is elegant and achieves what the OP needs. If someone wants to go the Apps Script way, here's one approach:

function myFunction() {
  const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  const rawSheet = ss.getSheetByName('Raw');
  const testSheet = ss.getSheetByName('Test Group');
  const controlSheet = ss.getSheetByName('Control Group');

  const rawData = rawSheet.getDataRange().getDisplayValues(); // Returns a 2D array
  const headerRow = rawData.shift();
  const timestampColumn = rawData.map(row => row[2])
  const uniqueTimestamps = timestampColumn.filter((time, index) => timestampColumn.indexOf(time) === index);
  let testGroupAll = [headerRow];
  let controlGroupAll = [headerRow];
  for (time of uniqueTimestamps) {
    // slotData is test group after splicing below
    const slotData = rawData.filter(row => row[2] === time);
    const controlGroup = slotData.splice(0, Math.round(slotData.length / 2));
    Logger.log(slotData); // test group - 2D array
    Logger.log(controlGroup); // 2D array
    testGroupAll = testGroupAll.concat(slotData);
    controlGroupAll = controlGroupAll.concat(controlGroup);
  testSheet.getRange(1, 1, testGroupAll.length, 4).setValues(testGroupAll);
  controlSheet.getRange(1, 1, controlGroupAll.length, 4).setValues(controlGroupAll);

CodePudding user response:


=QUERY(A:D; "limit "&ROUNDUP(COUNTA(A2:A)/2); 1)


=QUERY(A:D; "offset "&ROUNDUP(COUNTA(A2:A)/2); 1)


same principle...

 "limit "&ROUNDDOWN(COUNTA(FILTER(A:A, C:C=x))/2), )),,9^9)),,9^9))),,9^9), "​")), " "))


 "offset "&ROUNDDOWN(COUNTA(FILTER(A:A, C:C=x))/2), )),,9^9)),,9^9))),,9^9), "​")), " "))

enter image description here

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