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How to find dataframe inside another dataframe (order is important)?


I have 2 dataframes A and B. I need to check if A has all the values in B (the order is important) and if yes I need the position.


index    X     Y
0        0     0
1        1     0
2        1     1
3        0     1
4        0     0
5        1     1
6        2     2
7        2     1
8        2     2


index    X     Y
0        0     0
1        1     1
2        2     2

How can I check if A contains B? In this case the answer should be yes and the starting index is 4.

Since I also need to check the order of values, the following cases will be False. (dataframe A doesn't contain them):


index    X     Y
0        0     0
1        0     0

A contains C? => False


index    X     Y
0        0     0
1        0     1

A contains D? => False


index    X     Y
0        1     1
1        0     0

A contains E? => False

CodePudding user response:

Ok, I have one really fast version. Inspired from this answer which deals with the same question but with 1D arrays.

def findIndex(A,B):
    a=A.values # ndarray of data in A
    b=B.values # same for B
    af=a.flatten() # same ndarray, but flatten
    bf=b.flatten() # same for B
    # This create a rolling window (without actually building the array; it's just a "view") of len(bf) size from af values
    # with a "stride" (how many bytes to advance between each window) being the one of a (or b), that is the size of a line
    rollwin = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(af, shape=(len(a)-len(b) 1, len(bf)), strides=a.strides)
    # Now that we have that, we just have to find a "line" in this rolling window equal to bf. 
    lineMask=np.all(rollwin==bf, axis=1)
    if lineMask.any():
        return np.argmax(lineMask)
        return None

== here is a numpy operator, that does, real fast, comparison in all values of rollwin and b. np.all, with axis=1 search for lines where all values are equal. Then np.argmax find the first true occurrence.

timeit says that this version is 150 times faster than my previous answer (which was already 5 times faster than a direct "for loop" approach). So, not sure it is elegant. But it is fast, and it does use vectorization power.

A variant in case dataframe is so big that memory (when creating == result. The rest are just "views") is a problem, would be to compute by batches. So, a for loop, but one that does only a fraction of real iterations. The last lines could be replaced by this batch computations

def findIndex(A,B):
    rollwin = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(af, shape=(len(a)-len(b) 1, len(bf)), strides=a.strides)
    for start in range(0, len(rollwin), BatchSize):
        lineMask=np.all(rollwin[start:start BatchSize]==bf, axis=1)
        if lineMask.any():
            return start np.argmax(lineMask)

BatchSize being a parameter telling the size of the batches. The higher, the more "vectorized" are the computations, but the more memory it takes. The smaller, the closer we get to a classical for loop.

With BatchSize=10000 for example, memory usage should be really small (depending on the real number of columns), and the time similar than with the previous single batch version.

Timings with a benchmark of mine (A=pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(x,y,(n,w))); B=A[k:k m], with n,w,m being size parameters, k the secret answer that should be returned by computations. x and y range for random values — the closer they are, the more "near miss" will occur)

Version Timing
np.vectorize 164.15
rollwin 0.58
Batch rollwin 0.59
bifflip's apply 2201.71
naive for loop 657.75

So, those timing differences are not a "optimization vs obfuscation" tradeoff case. It is really a game changer, so, it is worth working to make it work.

With a bathsize=10000 you have a good compromise, that should not cause any memory problem, while still begin thousand time faster than easier to write version. Besides, if your jupyter crashed, it is because memory was out. If memory was out, it is because your real dataframe is way bigger than the one I've used for benchmark. And if it is so big, those timing differences will be very big also.

Former answer

I have no elegant solution. But since nobody else seems to be posting one, let's go with what I have.

I fail to see any way to do it without a for loop. But at least, we can avoid to code the for loop ourselves, using numpy vectorize.

def comp(i, a, b):
    return np.array_equal(a[i:i len(b)], b)

vcomp=np.vectorize(comp, signature="(),(m,n),(p,n)->()")

matchPos=vcomp(np.arange(len(A)-len(B) 1), A.values, B.values)

# MatchPos is an array of boolean, with True to any position where B is found. If you want an index, you can use argmax
if matchPos.any():

Naive for loop version

Just for reference and timings, the naive for loop version

def findIndex(A, B):
    for i in range(len(A)-len(B) 1):
        ok=True # Will remain true if after comparing all A[i k,j]==B[k,j] we find no diff. In which case i is the answer
        for k in range(len(B)):
             for j in range(A.shape[1]):
                 if A.iloc[i k,j]!=B.iloc[k,j]:
             if not ok: break
        if ok: return i

CodePudding user response:

Probably slower than using numpy only but easily readable:

l = len(B.index)
A.apply(lambda row: B.equals(A[row.name:row.name l].reset_index(drop=True)), axis=1)

giving you:

0    False
1    False
2    False
3    False
4     True
5    False
6    False
7    False
8    False

numpy.where to get the index:

np.where(A.apply(lambda row: B.equals(A[row.name:row.name len(B.index)].reset_index(drop=True)), axis=1))
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