I'm trying to cycle through several url's to download the pdf to a local folder.
There is no online pdf it is built by the browser. So it is essential to use the browser. You can remove the print header/footer with one extra switch, but cannot change orientation it will be A4 portrait in UK device.
see currently
In comments the question was raised how to adapt this approach for change of browser and keeping call simple so I suggest use a cmd or bat file to make that part easier. Thus from vba call something like
Batchfile 8309-9619-9729-7796-8423
@echo off
set "browser=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe"
set "filedir=C:\Users\WDAGUtilityAccount\Desktop"
set "urlpath=https://find-energy-certificate.service.gov.uk/energy-certificate"
"%browser%" --profile-directory=Default --headless --print-to-pdf="%filedir%\%~1.pdf" -print-to-pdf-no-header "%urlpath%/%~1?print=true"
However, beware calling pdf generations too fast, add a small wait between calls, even on multithreaded CPU writing PDF's at same time often leads to disasters, due to graphics resource conflicts.