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Add missing months to dataframe


I've seen plenty of examples and I can't make them work on my table. I have this table:

data = {'ID': ['Tom', 'Tom','Tom','Joseph','Joseph','Ben','Ben','Eden','Tim','Adam'], 'Tranche': ['Red', 'Red', 'Red', 'Blue','Blue','Blue','Blue','Red','Red','Blue'],'Totals':[100,100,100,50,50,90,90,70,60,70],'Sent':['2022-01-18','2022-02-19','2022-03-14','2021-04-14','2021-04-22','2022-03-03','2022-02-07','2022-01-04','2022-01-10','2022-01-15'],'Amount':[20,10,14,34,15,60,25,10,10,40],'Opened':['2021-12-29','2021-12-29','2021-12-29','2021-03-23','2021-03-23','2021-12-19','2021-12-19','2021-12-29','2021-12-29','2021-12-29']}  
df = pd.DataFrame(data)  
df["Opened"] = df["Opened"].astype('datetime64[ns]')
df["Sent"] = df["Sent"].astype('datetime64[ns]')
df['SentMonth'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Sent']).dt.to_period('M')

enter image description here

I want every ID to have every SentMonth, with amount zero if there is no amount (fillna will do if I can get to that point). I need this to make a later .cumsum() give correct results.

e.g. for Tom, the output should be something like this, but just more rows with more SentMonths. The day in the Sent column does not matter - but there must be one row for every month: enter image description here

First solution that is always given is reindexing. I can't do this as every SentMonth is duplicated, and Sent will also always have duplicates in my full table.

df.resample('M').sum() gives the error: Only valid with DatetimeIndex, TimedeltaIndex or PeriodIndex, but got an instance of 'RangeIndex'. Which I tried to fix by doing

df1 = df.set_index('SentMonth').groupby('ID').resample('1D')['Amount'].ffill()

But this brings me back to the unique index error.

Is there any other approach that can get around this? Thanks! :)

CodePudding user response:

One option is with complete from pyjanitor to expose missing rows:

# pip install pyjanitor
import pandas as pd
import janitor

# build a sequence of periods from the 1st month in 2022: 
periods={'SentMonth':pd.period_range('2022-01', '2022-12', freq='M')}

#Build the new dataframe:
out = (df
       .complete(('ID','Tranche','Totals', 'Opened'), periods)
       .fillna({'Amount':0}, downcast='infer')
# you can change this, since `Sent` is not important
out.Sent = out.Sent.fillna(out.SentMonth.astype('datetime64[ns]'))

        ID Tranche  Totals       Sent  Amount     Opened SentMonth
0      Tom     Red     100 2022-01-18      20 2021-12-29   2022-01
1      Tom     Red     100 2022-02-19      10 2021-12-29   2022-02
2      Tom     Red     100 2022-03-14      14 2021-12-29   2022-03
3      Tom     Red     100 2022-04-01       0 2021-12-29   2022-04
4      Tom     Red     100 2022-05-01       0 2021-12-29   2022-05
..     ...     ...     ...        ...     ...        ...       ...
69    Adam    Blue      70 2022-10-01       0 2021-12-29   2022-10
70    Adam    Blue      70 2022-11-01       0 2021-12-29   2022-11
71    Adam    Blue      70 2022-12-01       0 2021-12-29   2022-12
72  Joseph    Blue      50 2021-04-14      34 2021-03-23   2021-04
73  Joseph    Blue      50 2021-04-22      15 2021-03-23   2021-04

[74 rows x 7 columns]

You can sort the dates in ascending/descending order

CodePudding user response:

This would be a solution:

month_range = df["SentMonth"].unique()
df_per_user = dict()
for user_id, user_df in df.groupby("ID"):
    user_df.set_index("SentMonth", inplace=True)
    duplicated_rows = user_df.index.duplicated()
    if duplicated_rows.any():
        keep_rows = user_df[duplicated_rows]
        user_df = user_df[~duplicated_rows]

    df_per_user[user_id] = user_df.reindex(month_range).sort_index()

    if duplicated_rows.any():
        df_per_user[user_id] = pd.concat([df_per_user[user_id], keep_rows]).sort_index()

all_df = pd.concat(df_per_user)

So you have to take care for the ID with duplicated SentMonth (Joseph). The result looks like:

                      ID Tranche  Totals       Sent  Amount     Opened
Adam   2021-04       NaN     NaN     NaN        NaT     NaN        NaT
       2022-01      Adam    Blue    70.0 2022-01-15    40.0 2021-12-29
       2022-02       NaN     NaN     NaN        NaT     NaN        NaT
       2022-03       NaN     NaN     NaN        NaT     NaN        NaT
Ben    2021-04       NaN     NaN     NaN        NaT     NaN        NaT
       2022-01       NaN     NaN     NaN        NaT     NaN        NaT
       2022-02       Ben    Blue    90.0 2022-02-07    25.0 2021-12-19
       2022-03       Ben    Blue    90.0 2022-03-03    60.0 2021-12-19
Eden   2021-04       NaN     NaN     NaN        NaT     NaN        NaT
       2022-01      Eden     Red    70.0 2022-01-04    10.0 2021-12-29
       2022-02       NaN     NaN     NaN        NaT     NaN        NaT
       2022-03       NaN     NaN     NaN        NaT     NaN        NaT
Joseph 2021-04    Joseph    Blue    50.0 2021-04-14    34.0 2021-03-23
       2021-04    Joseph    Blue    50.0 2021-04-22    15.0 2021-03-23
       2022-01       NaN     NaN     NaN        NaT     NaN        NaT
       2022-02       NaN     NaN     NaN        NaT     NaN        NaT
       2022-03       NaN     NaN     NaN        NaT     NaN        NaT
Tim    2021-04       NaN     NaN     NaN        NaT     NaN        NaT
       2022-01       Tim     Red    60.0 2022-01-10    10.0 2021-12-29
       2022-02       NaN     NaN     NaN        NaT     NaN        NaT
       2022-03       NaN     NaN     NaN        NaT     NaN        NaT
Tom    2021-04       NaN     NaN     NaN        NaT     NaN        NaT
       2022-01       Tom     Red   100.0 2022-01-18    20.0 2021-12-29
       2022-02       Tom     Red   100.0 2022-02-19    10.0 2021-12-29
       2022-03       Tom     Red   100.0 2022-03-14    14.0 2021-12-29
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