Home > Back-end >  How to use a none delimiter with csv.writer?
How to use a none delimiter with csv.writer?


I'm creating a discord bot in python and I want to have a log system for the warn command. To set up this, I'm using a .csv file in which I write all the information I want about a user.

It's the first time I use .csv, so to manipulate the data, I take the content of the file and convert it into a list of list. One sublist = one line of the table.

After treatment, I put all the elements of each sublists side by side, separated by a ";" to store it properly in the .csv file.

The problem I have comes from this :

csvwriter = csv.writer(wfile, delimiter=";")

For each caracter in the final file, a ";" is put right after so instead of this : (abc;def;ghi), I have this : (a;b;c;d;...).

All of the code :

    @commands.has_any_role(765280296781742090, 765609632482721852, 882222368976670772)
    async def test(self, ctx, member:discord.Member):

        messages = await ctx.channel.history(limit = 1).flatten()
        for each_message in messages:
            await each_message.delete()

        with open("ressources/logs/warn_logs.csv", 'r', newline='') as csvfile:

            content = []
            new_registrated = []

            is_registrated = False

            for line in csvfile:
                line = line.split(";")

            for cell in content:
                if cell == content[0]:
                    if int(cell[0]) == int(member.id):
                        is_registrated = True
                        cell[3] = int(cell[3]) 1
                        cell[3] = str(cell[3])
            if is_registrated == False:



            with open("ressources/logs/warn_logs.csv", 'w', newline='') as wfile:
                csvwriter = csv.writer(wfile, delimiter=";")
                # for line in content:
                #     print(line)
                #     line = ";".join(line)
                #     print(line)
                #     csvwriter.writerow(line)




What I have : What I have :

What I want : What I want :

I'm working on it for a while now so if someone could help me, I would be very greatful.

NB: I'm French, and my English isn't perfect so don't hesitate to correct me

I tried to:

  • Not put the delimiter : the ";" became ","
  • Put delimiter="smth" / =False / =None : it doesn't work
  • Any other character : ";" became any other character

CodePudding user response:

The writerow() function expects an iterable object to write a whole row.


will write to the file:



csvwriter.writerow(["abc", "def"])

will write:


If line is a list of strings then line = ";".join(line) is wrong, line should go directly to writerow(). The whole point of using a csv module in not to think about delimiters.

Also if you are using a with open(...) as f: you don't have to close the file.

CodePudding user response:

I updated my code with your advices :

        with open("ressources/logs/warn_logs.csv", 'r', newline='') as rfile:

            csv_content = rfile.readlines()
            py_content = []
            cell = []
            is_registrated = False  

            # print(csv_content)
            for line in csv_content:
                line = line.split(";")


            for cell in py_content:
                if cell != py_content[0]:
                    if int(cell[0]) == int(member.id):
                        is_registrated = True
                        cell[-1] = str(int(cell[-1])   1)        

            if is_registrated == False:
                new_registrated = [str(member.id),str(member._user),str(member.nick),"1"]    

            # print(py_content)


        # print(py_content)

        with open("ressources/logs/warn_logs.csv", 'w', newline='') as wfile: 

            csvwriter = csv.writer(wfile, delimiter=";")
            for cell in py_content:
                # print(cell)


But in my .csv file, obtain this :

enter image description here

I don't know how to remove the quotes and the line break

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