I'm trying to get the average of the cost value and the cost per liter.
r = []
with open('petrolPrice.txt') as f1:
r = f1.read()
s = r.split()
del s[0]
print(sum(s) / len(s)) # AVERAGE COST
with open('petrolPrice.txt') as f1:
r = f1.read()
s = r.split()
Here is the text file below. The liters and cost are divided using tab space
Liters Cost
20.0 56.40
9.6 29.95
5.0 15.60
15.0 54.30
18.4 65.32
18.7 75.36
17.7 80.00
print average and the cost per liter in the text file.
CodePudding user response:
import pandas as pd
with open("input.txt") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
#get first value of every line as Liters
liters = [(line.split()[0]) for line in lines if line.split()[0] != 'Liters']
#get second value of every line as Cost
cost = [(line.split()[1]) for line in lines if line.split()[1] != 'Cost']
#df with Liters and Cost
df = pd.DataFrame({'Liters': liters, 'Cost': cost})
#add column with cost per liter
df['Cost per liter'] = df['Cost'].astype(float) / df['Liters'].astype(float)
#add row with mean
df.loc[len(liters)] = [df['Liters'].astype(float).mean(), df['Cost'].astype(float).mean(), df['Cost per liter'].astype(float).mean()]
#df to text
df.to_csv('output.txt', sep='\t', index=False)
CodePudding user response:
Open the file reading one line at a time. Skip the first line. Convert the two (expected) whitespace delimited tokens to float. Sum the values. Do a final calculation.
totalLitres = 0
totalCost = 0
with open('petrolPrice.txt') as pp:
next(pp) # skip heading
for line in pp:
litres, cost = map(float, line.split())
totalLitres = litres
totalCost = cost
print(f'Average cost per litre = {totalCost/totalLitres:.2f}')
Average cost per litre = 3.61