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Inverse filtering for image restoration after the white spots, with what method can be removed?


Visual c + + code of 2008, after the inverse filtering image appeared white spots, how they can be removed and not affect the effect of recovery?

CodePudding user response:

Filtering algorithm has a problem or there is something wrong with the inverse filtering algorithm, a pole or something, see if there is something wrong with your algorithm,

CodePudding user response:

This is the inverse filtering the CPP program, and is there a problem? Can you help me to change?

BOOL WINAPI DIBInverseFilter (Cdib * pDib)
BYTE * lpSrc;//a pointer to the source image
LONG lWidth;//the width of the image
LONG lHeight; The height of the images//
LONG lLineBytes;//image bytes per
//get the width and height of the image
Csize SizeDim;
SizeDim=pDib - & gt; GetDimensions ();
LWidth=SizeDim. Cx;
LHeight=SizeDim. Cy;
//get the size of the actual Dib image
Csize sizeRealDim;
SizeRealDim=pDib - & gt; GetDibSaveDim ();
LLineBytes=SizeRealDim. Cx;//calculate the image of the number of bytes per line
LPBYTE lpDIBBits=pDib - & gt; M_lpImage;//the image data pointer
//loop variable
Long I;
Long j;
Double tempre tempim, a, b, c, d;//temp
//the actual width and height of the Fourier transform
LONG lW=1;
Int wp=0;
Int HP=0;
//that discrete Fourier change the width and height of integer power of 2
While (lW * 2 & lt;=lLineBytes)
LW=lW * 2;
While (lH * 2 & lt;=lHeight)
LH=lH * 2;
Complex * pCTSrc, * PCTH;//used to store the source image and nuclear transformation time domain data
Complex * pCFSrc, * PCFH;//used to store the source image and nuclear transformation frequency domain data
Double MaxNum;//image normalization factor
//input degraded images the length and width must be integer times of 2
If (lW!=(int) lLineBytes)
return false;
If (lH!=(int) lHeight)
return false;
//array allocate space for time domain and frequency domain
pCTSrc=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/new complex [lHeight * lLineBytes];
PCTH=new complex [lHeight * lLineBytes];
pCFSrc=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/new complex [lHeight * lLineBytes];
PCFH=new complex [lHeight * lLineBytes];
//the degraded image array in time domain data
for(j=0; J{
for(i=0; i{
//points to the degraded image bottom line j, the pixel pointer
IlpSrc=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/(unsigned char *) lpDIBBits + lLineBytes * j + I;
PCTSrc [lLineBytes * j + I]=complex ((double) * lpSrc, 0);
PCFSrc [lLineBytes * j + I]=complex (0.0, 0.0);
If (i<5 & amp; & J<5)
PCTH [lLineBytes * j + I]=complex (0.04, 0.0);
The else
PCTH [lLineBytes * j + I]=complex (0.0, 0.0);
PCFH [lLineBytes * j + I]=complex (0.0, 0.0);
//call Fourier transform function, Fourier transform was carried out on the degraded images
: : DIBFFT_2D (pCTSrc, lLineBytes lHeight, pCFSrc);
//call Fourier transform function, the point spread function of Fourier transform
: : DIBFFT_2D (pCTH, lLineBytes lHeight, pCFH);
//frequency domain division by
for(i=0; i{
A=pCFSrc [I]. Real ();
B=pCFSrc [I]. Image ();
C=pCFH [I]. Real ();
D=pCFH [I]. Image ();
//if the frequency value is too small, not be considered
If (c * * c + d d> Le - 3)
Tempre=(a * c + b * d)/(c * * d c + d);
Tempim=(b * c - a * d)/(c * * d c + d)
PCFSrc [I]=complex (tempre tempim);
//call the inverse Fourier transform function, inverse Fourier transform of restored image
IFFT_2D (pCFSrc pCTSrc, lLineBytes lHeight,);
MaxNum=300;//determine the normalization factor
//into the restored image
for(j=0; J{
for(i=0; i{//points to recover image from the first line j, the pixels of a pointer I
lpSrc=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/(unsigned char *) lpDIBBits + lLineBytes * j + I;
* lpSrc=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/(unsigned char) (pCTSrc [r]. (lLineBytes) * j + I real () * 255.0/MaxNum);
//release of storage space
The delete pCTSrc;
The delete pCTH;
The delete pCFSrc;
The delete pCFH;
return true;
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