Home > Back-end >  Is there a way to get rid local 'worktree' folders which point towards non-existent branch
Is there a way to get rid local 'worktree' folders which point towards non-existent branch


I'm a big fan of git worktree command. My project directory contains a number of folders which points to branches which I'm working on at the moment.

.../project directory                
├── bugfix             
│   ├── IBD-15         
│   ├── IBD-17         
│   ├── IBD-18         
│   ├── IBD-21         
│   ├── IBD-22         
│   └── IBD-23  
├── main             
└── story              
    ├── logs           
    └── IBD-7      
X directories         

Over a time I close a feature via merge request using CI instruments (CI automatically deletes a remote branch). But feature branch keeps alive in the project folder and I need periodically watch through the list of closed features and manually remove the folders which points to non-existent branches on remote:

$ rm -rf bugfix/IBD-15
$ rm -rf bugfix/IBD-23
$ git worktree prune

So is there a way to get rid worktree folders for branches which don't exist anymore on remote (of course if the 'worktree' folder doesn't contain not pushed commits or untracked local changes) ?

CodePudding user response:

I just tested what happens after a git fetch --prune regarding existing worktree.

A git branch -avv would show:

  ee                    60f5e46 (C:/Users/vonc/git/tests/b2/ee) [origin/ee: gone] Move...

That means you can do something like:

git branch -avv|grep ": gone"|cut -f 2 -d '('|cut -f 1 -d ')'|xargs git worktree remove

And all your obsolete worktrees would be gone. In one line.

CodePudding user response:

I wrote for weekends an interactive bash script which walk through all worktree folders and ask user for removing the folder. The script checks if upstream branch exists on remote or unpunished commits exist in worktree folder. You need to run the script from any worktree folder and it will do it's job.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# filename: worktree-cleanup
# get rid 'worktree' folders which branches doesn't exists 
# This script automatically walks through all wortree folders
# and ask for removing them

function pushd {
  command pushd "$@" > /dev/null

function popd {
  command popd "$@" > /dev/null

function locate_git_tool {                         
  for path in ${PATH//:/ }; do                     
    [ -x "$path/git" ] && echo "$path/git" && break
  echo ""                                          
} # end of function locate_git_tool                

function git_fetch {
  $GIT_TOOL fetch --all

function contains_untracked_changes {
  local dir=$1
  pushd "$dir"
  local status="$($GIT_TOOL status --short)"
  echo "$status"
} # end of function contains_untracked_changes

function is_git_dir {
  local dir="$1"
  pushd "$dir"
  [ -d "$dir" ] && [ -d "$dir/.git" -o -e "$dir/.git" ] 
} #end of function is_git_dir

function is_dir_exist {
  [ -e "$@" -a -d "$@" ]
} # end of function is_dir_exist

function is_current_dir {
  [ "$CUR_DIR" == "$@" ]

function choose {
  local default="$1"
  local prompt="$2"
  local choice_yes="$3"
  local choice_no="$4"
  local answer

  read -p "$prompt" answer
  [ -z "$answer" ] && answer="$default"

  case "$answer" in
    [yY1] ) eval "$choice_yes"
    [nN0] ) eval "$choice_no"
    *     ) printf "%b" "Unexpected answer '$answer'!" >&2 ;;
} # end of function choose

function contains_unpushed_commits {
  pushd "$@"
  local output=$(git log @{u}.. -p)
  echo "$output"

function is_upstream_branch_exists {
  local path="$1"
  local branch="$2"
  pushd "$path"
  local output=$(git ls-remote --heads --quiet | grep 'branch')
  echo "$output"

function cleanup_worktree_folder {
  local path="$1"

  choose "y" \
    "Remove $path? (y or n)" \
    "$GIT_TOOL worktree remove --force \"$path\"" \

function check_and_cleanup_forlder {
  local path="$1"
  local branch="$2"

  if [ ! -z "$(contains_untracked_changes $path)" ] ; then
    printf "%s\n%s\n" "Warning: $path contains changes" "$(contains_untracked_changes $path)"
    cleanup_worktree_folder "$path"
  elif [ -z "$(is_upstream_branch_exists $path $branch)" ] ; then
    printf "%s\n" "Warning: $path doesn't have upstream branch"
    cleanup_worktree_folder "$path"
  elif [ ! -z "$(contains_unpushed_commits $path)" ] ; then 
    printf "%s\n%s\n" "Warning: $path" "$(contains_unpushed_commits $path)"
    cleanup_worktree_folder "$path"

[ -x "${GIT_TOOL}" ] || { printf "%b" "Fatal: 'git' tool not found.\n" ; exit 1 ; }
[ -d "$CUR_DIR/.git" -o -e "$CUR_DIR/.git" ] || { printf "%b" "Fatal: not a git repository.\n" ; exit 1 ; }


for line in $($GIT_TOOL worktree list) ; do
  path=$(echo $line | awk '{print $1}')
  branch=$(echo $line | awk '{print $3}')
  if ! $(is_dir_exist "$path") ; then 
    echo "$path not exists"
  elif $(is_current_dir "$path") ; then
  elif ! $(is_git_dir "$path") ; then 
    printf "%b" "Warning: not a git repository. Skip.\n" 
    check_and_cleanup_forlder "$path" "$branch"
unset IFS

You can find the script here

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