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Kotlin context receivers cannot resolve members of generic type


In the following code, the call member of Animal cannot be resolved even though Cat is specified as context receiver and it has a member named call.

interface Animal { val call: String }
object Cat : Animal { override val call: String = "Meow" }
object Dog : Animal { override val call: String = "Woof" }

fun <T : Animal> acquireAnimal(animal: T, block: context(T) () -> Unit) {

fun main() {
  acquireAnimal(Cat) {

When I type this inside the lambda, then the IDE seems to suggest that the type of this is Any?.

example where "this" with generic context receiver resolves to Any?

If I do the same with a function without a generic context receiver, then it seems to get the type right.

example where "this" with non-generic context receiver resolves to the correct type

Is this a limitation that is by design or is this a bug?

CodePudding user response:

The fact that you cannot access call was a bug, which was fixed in Kotlin 1.7.20.

A workaround for lower versions is:

sealed interface TypeWrapper<out A> {
    object IMPL: TypeWrapper<Nothing>

fun <T: Animal> acquireAnimal(animal: T, block: context(T) (TypeWrapper<T>) -> Unit) {
    block(animal, TypeWrapper.IMPL)

fun main() {
    acquireAnimal(Cat) {
        val x = call // works!

However, the fact that this doesn't work is intended. Context receivers do not change the meaning of this. Since you are in a global function, this does not mean anything, and the existence of a context receiver does not change that.

Normally, to access the context receiver itself, you need to do a qualified this by appending the generated label for the context receiver:

fun foo() {
    val x = this@Foo

However, your context receiver is a type parameter, so according to the rules here, I don't think a label is generated for the context receiver.

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