Home > Back-end >  Why use Java netty client send byte array to golang TCP server receive less than?
Why use Java netty client send byte array to golang TCP server receive less than?


My Java netty client writing either
NioEventLoopGroup worker=new NioEventLoopGroup ();
The bootstrap. Group (worker);
The bootstrap. Channel (NioSocketChannel. Class);
The bootstrap. Handler (new ChannelInitializer () {
@ Override
Protected void initChannel Channel (Channel) throws the Exception {
//big end send order
Channel. Pipeline (.) addLast (new LengthFieldBasedFrameDecoder (ByteOrder BIG_ENDIAN, 1024 * 1024,2,2, 4, 0, true));
Channel. Pipeline (.) addLast (new ClientHandler ());
ChannelFuture f=the bootstrap. Connect (" ", 3000);
//send a message
Byte [] MSG="I am a Java netty client MSG". GetBytes ();
//if the MSG is a simple string, go to the acceptable if into a byte array, go just a block to the conn. Read (buffer)
F. hannel (). WriteAndFlush (MSG)

I golang TCP server writing either
Func main () {
Listen, err:=net. Listen (" TCP ", "")
if err ! Nil={
FMT. Println (" listen failed, err: "to err)
Defer listen. The Close ()
For {
The conn, err: listen.=the Accept ()
if err ! Nil={
FMT. Println (" accept failed, err: "to err)
The continue
Go func () {
Defer conn. Close ()

Var num int32
Buffer:=make byte [], (6)
_, err:=conn. Read (buffer)//if the Java netty hair of byte [] an array of bytes, has been blocked in this line
if err ! Nil={
Buf:=bytes. NewReader (buffer)
Err=binary. Read (buf, binary BigEndian, & amp; Num)
FMT. Println (buf)
} ()

CodePudding user response:

Golang listening port is 30000, netty connection port is 3000, port is wrong, to the same port,
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