I'm using ASP.NET Core 6, and EF Core 6, and Repository/UnitOfWork pattern. I have some trouble with my project, The error "The instance of entity type 'AppCase' cannot be tracked because another instance with the same key value for {} is already being tracked" have throwed when I call UpdateAsync in Repository. I think i know the issue description, and I used AsNoTracking() but the issue can't have been solved yet. How can I solve it, please.
Thanks for your support and sorry for my bad English!
Here is my source code:
public async Task<dynamic> CreateOrder(MicroOrderRequest requsetObject, string caseNo)
string processCode = "CEC1D433-C376-498B-8A80-B23DC3772024";
var caseModel = await _appCaseBusiness.PrepareAppCase(processCode, caseNo);
if (caseModel == null)
throw new Exception("Create request faield!");
var appCaseEntity = await _appCaseBusiness.AddNewCase(caseModel); // => Add new Case by using EF 6 Core via Repository and UnitOfWork**
if (appCaseEntity == null)
throw new Exception("Adding faield!");
var taskResponse = await _processTaskBusiness.ExecuteTask<MicroOrderRequest>(caseModel.FirstTaskCode, requsetObject);
if (Equals(taskResponse, null))
throw new Exception("Response task is not found!");
// Update case state
appCaseEntity.State = STATE.DONE;
appCaseEntity.CaseObject = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(appCase.CaseObjects);
var updateCase = await _appCaseRepository.UpdateAsync(appCaseEntity); // => Error throw here**
if (updateCase == null)
throw new Exception($"Update state case faiedl!");
return caseModel;
builder.Services.AddDbContext<AppDbContext>(options =>
o => o.MigrationsAssembly(typeof(AppDbContext)
builder.Services.AddScoped(typeof(IUnitOfWork), typeof(AppDbContext));
CodePudding user response:
The error has been explained in the document:https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/change-tracking/identity-resolution#attaching-a-serialized-graph
I checked your codes, I think the error may caused by:
tracking a serialized graph of entities
appCaseEntity.CaseObject = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(appCase.CaseObjects);
var updateCase = await _appCaseRepository.UpdateAsync(appCaseEntity); // => Error throw here**
You could learn more details and found the solution in this part
reusing a DbContext instance for multiple units-of-work
var appCaseEntity = await _appCaseBusiness.AddNewCase(caseModel);
var updateCase = await _appCaseRepository.UpdateAsync(appCaseEntity);
You registed the dbcontext as below(the lifetime is scoped by default):
builder.Services.AddDbContext<AppDbContext>(options =>
o => o.MigrationsAssembly(typeof(AppDbContext)
You could try to set the lifetime with Trasident or Use DbContextFactory to create different instance in different units of work
Check this document about using DbContextFactory
If you have further issue on this case,please provide the minimal codes that could reproduce the error