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Plotting aggregated values from specific column of multiple dataframe indexed by timedate


I have three dataframe as below:

import pandas as pd
df1 = {'date_time': ["2022-10-06 17:23:11","2022-10-06 17:23:12","2022-10-06 17:23:13","2022-10-06 17:23:14","2022-10-06 17:23:15","2022-10-06 17:23:16"],
        'value': [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]}

df2 = {'date_time': ["2022-10-06 17:23:13","2022-10-06 17:23:14","2022-10-06 17:23:15","2022-10-06 17:23:16","2022-10-06 17:23:17","2022-10-06 17:23:18"],
        'value': [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]}

df3 = {'date_time': ["2022-10-06 17:23:16","2022-10-06 17:23:17","2022-10-06 17:23:18","2022-10-06 17:23:19","2022-10-06 17:23:20","2022-10-06 17:23:21"],
        'value': [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]}

I need to create another dataframe df that contains all the datetime elements from all three df1,df2,df3 such that the common valued are summed up in-terms of common timestamps (excluding the millisecond parts) as shown below.


{'date_time': ["2022-10-06 17:23:11","2022-10-06 17:23:12","2022-10-06 17:23:13","2022-10-06 17:23:14","2022-10-06 17:23:15","2022-10-06 17:23:16","2022-10-06 17:23:17","2022-10-06 17:23:18","2022-10-06 17:23:19","2022-10-06 17:23:20","2022-10-06 17:23:21"],
        'value': [4, 5, 6 4, 7 5, 8 6, 9 7 4, 8 5, 9 6, 7, 8, 9]}

For adding the columns I used following:

df = (pd.concat([df1,df2,df3],axis=0)).groupby('date_time')['value'].sum().reset_index()

For plotting I used following which results in df2 and df3 to time shift towards df1.

for dataFrame,number in zip([df1,df2,df3,df],labels):

How can I plot the three df1,df2,df3 without time shifting and also plot the aggregated df on the same plot for dataframe column 'value'?

CodePudding user response:

IIUC you search for something like this:

color_dict = {"Aggregated": "orange", "1": "darkred", "2": "green", "3": "blue"}

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for i, (d, label) in enumerate(zip([df, df1, df2, df3], labels),1):
    ax.plot(d["date_time"], d["value"], lw=3/i, color=color_dict[label], label=label)
plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), ha="right", rotation=45)

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