Home > Back-end >  How to edit this PostgreSQL function so that query is executed right away when it is called?
How to edit this PostgreSQL function so that query is executed right away when it is called?


So this is the function


create function createGridFromChart(p_y_value character varying) returns text
    language plpgsql
    v_query text;


    v_query = 'SELECT result,
       (SELECT name player1 from mts_players WHERE mts_game.id_player1 = mts_players.id),
       (SELECT name player2 from mts_players WHERE mts_game.id_player2 = mts_players.id),
       (SELECT name player3 from mts_players WHERE mts_game.id_player3 = mts_players.id),
       (SELECT name player4 from mts_players WHERE mts_game.id_player4 = mts_players.id),
       trophy, winners
from mts_game
where dateG> CURRENT_DATE-30 and ((SELECT name from mts_players WHERE mts_game.id_player1 = mts_players.id) = '''|| p_y_value || ''' or (SELECT name from mts_players WHERE mts_game.id_player2 = mts_players.id) = '''|| p_y_value ||''' or (SELECT name from mts_players WHERE mts_game.id_player3 = mts_players.id) = '''|| p_y_value ||''' or (SELECT name from mts_players WHERE mts_game.id_player4 = mts_players.id) ='''|| p_y_value ||''' )
order by dateG';
    RETURN v_query;



Right now the function returns the query and it has to be manually executed in order to produce results. I want to edit it so that you don't have to do that, but it's executed right away when the function is called.

I read about return query execute command but I haven't managed to make it work.

I don't expect complete solution but some tips or help would be appreciated.

CodePudding user response:

You need to change the function to return a table, rather than a string.

Returning the result of a query can easily be done using language sql:

create function createGridFromChart(p_y_value character varying) 
  returns table (result text, dateg date, name1 text, name2 text, name3 text, name4 text, tropy text, winners text) --<<< adjust types here!!
  language sql
   SELECT result,
          (SELECT name player1 from mts_players WHERE mts_game.id_player1 = mts_players.id),
          (SELECT name player2 from mts_players WHERE mts_game.id_player2 = mts_players.id),
          (SELECT name player3 from mts_players WHERE mts_game.id_player3 = mts_players.id),
          (SELECT name player4 from mts_players WHERE mts_game.id_player4 = mts_players.id),
   from mts_game
   where dateG > CURRENT_DATE-30 
   and (   (SELECT name from mts_players WHERE mts_game.id_player1 = mts_players.id) = p_y_value 
        or (SELECT name from mts_players WHERE mts_game.id_player2 = mts_players.id) = p_y_value 
        or (SELECT name from mts_players WHERE mts_game.id_player3 = mts_players.id) = p_y_value 
        or (SELECT name from mts_players WHERE mts_game.id_player4 = mts_players.id) = p_y_value )
   order by dateG';

Note that you need to adjust the data types in the returns table (...) part.

You can then use the function like this:

select * 
from creategridfromchart('blabla');
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