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How do I use member functions to a standard library ranges operation


I need to find all regular files in a directory, and would like to use the C 20 ranges (not Eric Niebler's range-v3) library. I came up with the following code:

namespace fs = std::filesystem;

std::vector<fs::directory_entry> entries{ fs::directory_iterator("D:\\Path"), fs::directory_iterator() };

std::vector<fs::path> paths;
std::ranges::copy(entries |
    std::views::filter([](const fs::directory_entry& entry) { return entry.is_regular_file(); }) |
    std::views::transform([](const fs::directory_entry& entry) { return entry.path(); }),

This works, but I'm uncomfortable with the additional boilerplate of using lambdas; I'm used to the Java 8 streams library, and I don't see why I can't just use member functions directly. This was my first attempt at refactoring:

std::ranges::copy(entries |
    std::views::filter(fs::directory_entry::is_regular_file) |

This resulted in compiler errors:

error C3867: 'std::filesystem::directory_entry::is_regular_file': non-standard syntax; use '&' to create a pointer to member
error C3889: call to object of class type 'std::ranges::views::_Filter_fn': no matching call operator found

So I tried this:

std::ranges::copy(entries |
    std::views::filter(&fs::directory_entry::is_regular_file) |

This fixed the first error, but not the second:

error C3889: call to object of class type 'std::ranges::views::_Filter_fn': no matching call operator found

So I found Using member variable as predicate, which looked promising, so I tried:

std::ranges::copy(entries |
    std::views::filter(std::mem_fn(&fs::directory_entry::is_regular_file)) |

This resulted in new compiler errors:

error C2672: 'std::mem_fn': no matching overloaded function found

Note, std::bind doesn't appear to work either. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

CodePudding user response:

Just &fs::directory_entry::is_regular_file as argument is in principle correct, assuming that there is only one non-template overload for the function. Pointers can only point to one function (or function template specialization), not to an overload set.

However per standard there are two overloads for directory_entry::is_regular_file. To select one of them for the pointer you would need to add an explicit cast directly around the pointer with the target pointer type matching the overload's type you want to select. In this special case the & operator will then select the function matching the target type from the overload set.

But even then, the standard says that behavior is unspecified if you try to take any reference or pointer to a non-static member of a standard library class. This basically allows the standard library implementer to change the overload set as long as direct calls to the functions behave as if there were exactly the overloads specified in the standard.

Using lambdas as in your first example is the intended use and the only one that is guaranteed to work. You can reduce the boiler-plate a bit though. You don't need to repeat the argument type.

[](auto& entry) { return entry.is_regular_file(); }

will work as well.

If you need this often and you are annoyed by typing out the lambdas, you can also write yourself a macro for it. Something like

#define LIFT_MEMBER_FUNC(func) \
    ([](auto&& obj, auto&&... args) \
    noexcept(noexcept((decltype(obj)(obj)).func(decltype(args)(args)...))) \
    -> decltype(auto) \
    requires requires { (decltype(obj)(obj)).func(decltype(args)(args)...); } \
    { return (decltype(obj)(obj)).func(decltype(args)(args)...); })

and then


Note that I have not tested the macro and that there may be edge cases I haven't considered. Take it as a guideline to how such a macro may look. Simplified versions that drop the requires clause (making it non-SFINAE-friendly) or that drop the noexcept line (making it not forward noexcept) or replacing decltype(X)(X) with just X (making it not perfectly-forwarding) would also work in most typical situations.

The noexcept forwarding expects that there won't be any copy/move constructor call for the lambda return value, so it is correct only for C 17 or later and the requires clause would need to be replaced with SFINAE or dropped before C 20.

CodePudding user response:

As another answer points out, taking the address of C standard library functions is not guaranteed to work. But it is not undefined behavior, and as long as your unit tests cover this code, it will probably be fine (unless you're a language lawyer or portability connossieur). You just need to disambiguate which of the is_regular_file overloads you mean:

using bool_method = bool (fs::directory_entry::*)() const;

std::ranges::copy(entries |
    std::views::filter(static_cast<bool_method>(&fs::directory_entry::is_regular_file)) |

If you're wondering why C doesn't guarantee it will work, it is because of cases exactly like this: they want standard library implementations to be able to implement the standard library API without worrying about how many overloads are used.

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