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How to merge dataframes where a value is not matching in other column


I have huge data and I want merge it on a specific column where values from df1 is not available in df2 and vice versa.



Domain        Sales
google.com    100
facebook.com  200
youtube.com   300


Domain       Sales
google.com   100
yahoo.com    200
youtube.com  300

Required output:

Domain          Sales
facebook.com    200
yahoo.com       200

I have tried:

df = pd.merge(df1, df2, on="Domain", how="outer")

and all the other values for the how parameter, but it does not give me the required output. How can I achieve the required output?

CodePudding user response:

pd.concat([df1, df2]).drop_duplicates('Domain', keep=False)

CodePudding user response:

As you have a huge dataset you can use set operations to pre-filter the data before concat:

S = set(df1['Domain']).symmetric_difference(df2['Domain'])
out = pd.concat([d.loc[lambda d: d['Domain'].isin(S)] for d in [df1, df2]])


         Domain  Sales
1  facebook.com    200
1     yahoo.com    200

CodePudding user response:

We still can try with merge

df = df1.merge(df2,on = 'Domain', indicator = True, how='outer').query('_merge!="both"')
df['Sales'] = df.pop('Sales_x').fillna(df.pop('Sales_y'))
         Domain      _merge  Sales
1  facebook.com   left_only  200.0
3     yahoo.com  right_only  200.0
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