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How to chain a list of items with an operator



I want to filter a dataframe in pandas. It should return a dataframe with all rows that have a numeric value in a list of columns - the length of the list is arbitrary.


       a   b   c
1      1   1   1
2      1   g   8
3      h   1   1
4      2   2   2
  • If I call my function with columns [b, c], I expect rows 1, 3, and 4.
  • If I call my function with columns [a], I expect rows 1, 2, and 4.

I came up with this implementation that doesn't feel pythonic but works:

import typing
import pandas as pd

def filter_df(dataframe: pd.DataFrame, filter_columns: typing.List[str]) -> pd.DataFrame:

    and_connected_filters = None

    for column_name in filter_columns:

        condition: pd.Series = dataframe[column_name].str.isnumeric()

        if and_connected_filters is None:
            and_connected_filters = condition
            and_connected_filters = and_connected_filters & condition

    return dataframe[and_connected_filters]

Is there a more pythonic way to chain a list of items with an operator (&)?

I'm thinking of an equivalent of ",".join(...) but couldn't find anything.

CodePudding user response:

I would use a different approach, check the status as 2D and aggregate with all:

cols = ['b', 'c']

s = (df[cols].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')

out = s[s].index.to_list()

Or, if you are sure to have strings as input:

cols = ['b', 'c']

s = (df[cols]
     .apply(lambda s: s.str.isnumeric())

out = s[s].index.to_list()

output: [1, 3, 4]

Variant with numpy.logical_and.reduce:

import numpy as np

df.index[np.logical_and.reduce([df[c].str.isnumeric() for c in cols])].to_list()

output: [1, 3, 4]

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