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VC call Matlab engine, VC opened the BMP images, how to give the picture to Matlab engine to perform


Part of the code:
Void CMyDlg: : OnFileOpen ()
//TODO: Add your command handler code here
Cstrings m_szFilePathName;//image file path
Cstrings m_szFileName;
_T (" bitmap Files (*. BMP) | *. BMP | | "), NULL);
If (DLG) DoModal ()==IDOK)
M_szFileName=DLG. GetFileName ();
M_szFilePathName=DLG. GetPathName ();

CRect the rect.
GetDlgItem (IDC_TuPian1) - & gt; GetWindowRect (& amp; The rect);
//is controls the Width of the rect. Width (), high is the rect Height ();
//MessageBox (the rect. Height () + "" + the rect. Height ());
HBITMAP hand=(HBITMAP) LoadImage (AfxGetInstanceHandle (), m_szFilePathName, IMAGE_BITMAP,
The rect. Width (), the rect. Height (), LR_LOADFROMFILE);
HBITMAP h=((CStatic *) GetDlgItem (IDC_TuPian1)) - & gt; SetBitmap (hand);
//m_pic SetBitmap (hand);

The else
return ;
Here are VC Matlab engine, how to put the above picture, give below I_rgb=imread (' pl); Read in?
Void CMyDlg: : OnBeiJingFenGe ()
//TODO: Add your command handler code here

EngEvalString (ep, "I_rgb=imread (' pl);" );
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