When trying to start postgresql
➜ ~ brew services start postgresql
Warning: Use postgresql@14 instead of deprecated postgresql
Bootstrap failed: 5: Input/output error
Try re-running the command as root for richer errors.
Error: Failure while executing; `/bin/launchctl bootstrap gui/501 /Users/josh/Library/LaunchAgents/[email protected]` exited with 5.
Getting "error" as status when running brew services list
➜ ~ brew services list
Name Status User File
postgresql@14 error 256 root ~/Library/LaunchAgents/[email protected]
PSQL was working perfectly fine, shut down my laptop (did not update) and when I turned it on the next day psql was not working. I am on OSX Version 12.6 (Monteray).
CodePudding user response:
Had the same error today