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Flatten a column value using dataframe


Im trying to flatten 2 columns from a table loaded into a dataframe as below:

u_group t_group
{"link": "https://hi.com/api/now/table/system/2696f18b376bca0", "value": "2696f18b376bca0"} {"link": "https://hi.com/api/now/table/system/2696f18b376bca0", "value": "2696f18b376bca0"}
{"link": "https://hi.com/api/now/table/system/99b27bc1db761f4", "value": "99b27bc1db761f4"} {"link": "https://hi.com/api/now/table/system/99b27bc1db761f4", "value": "99b27bc1db761f4"}

I want to separate them and get them as:

u_group.link u_group.value t_group.link t_group.value
https://hi.com/api/now/table/system/2696f18b376bca0 2696f18b376bca0 https://hi.com/api/now/table/system/2696f18b376bca0 2696f18b376bca0
https://hi.com/api/now/table/system/99b27bc1db761f4 99b27bc1db761f4 https://hi.com/api/now/table/system/99b27bc1db761f4 99b27bc1db761f4

I used the below code, but wasnt successful.

import ast
from pandas.io.json import json_normalize

df12 = spark.sql("""select u_group,t_group from tbl""")

def only_dict(d):
    Convert json string representation of dictionary to a python dict
    return ast.literal_eval(d)

def list_of_dicts(ld):
    Create a mapping of the tuples formed after 
    converting json strings of list to a python list   
    return dict([(list(d.values())[1], list(d.values())[0]) for d in ast.literal_eval(ld)])

A = json_normalize(df12['u_group'].apply(only_dict).tolist()).add_prefix('link.')
B = json_normalize(df['u_group'].apply(list_of_dicts).tolist()).add_prefix('value.') 

TypeError: 'Column' object is not callable

Kindly help or suggest if any other code would work better.

CodePudding user response:

need simple example and code for answer


data = [[{'link':'A1', 'value':'B1'}, {'link':'A2', 'value':'B2'}], 
        [{'link':'C1', 'value':'D1'}, {'link':'C2', 'value':'D2'}]]
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['u', 't'])


    u                               t
0   {'link': 'A1', 'value': 'B1'}   {'link': 'A2', 'value': 'B2'}
1   {'link': 'C1', 'value': 'D1'}   {'link': 'C2', 'value': 'D2'}

use following code:

pd.concat([df[i].apply(lambda x: pd.Series(x)).add_prefix(i   '_') for i in df.columns], axis=1)


    u_link  u_value t_link  t_value
0   A1      B1      A2      B2
1   C1      D1      C2      D2

CodePudding user response:

Here are my 2 cents,

A simple way to achieve this using PYSPARK.

  1. Create the dataframe as follows:

    data = [
            """{"link": "https://hi.com/api/now/table/system/2696f18b376bca0", "value": "2696f18b376bca0"}""",
            """{"link": "https://hi.com/api/now/table/system/2696f18b376bca0", "value": "2696f18b376bca0"}"""
            """{"link": "https://hi.com/api/now/table/system/2696f18b376bca0", "value": "2696f18b376bca0"}""",
            """{"link": "https://hi.com/api/now/table/system/99b27bc1db761f4", "value": "99b27bc1db761f4"}"""
    df = spark.createDataFrame(data,schema=['u_group','t_group'])
  2. Then use the from_json() to parse the dictionary and fetch the individual values as follows:

    from pyspark.sql.types import *
    from pyspark.sql.functions import *
    schema_column = StructType([
    df = df .withColumn('U_GROUP_PARSE',from_json(col('u_group'),schema_column))\
  3. Print the dataframe


Please check the below image for your reference:

enter image description here

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