I would like the execution of the event handler to depend on whether the property is set to true or false in applecation.yaml file. I have three yaml files (test, dev, prod) and I have set the settings in them:
для dev page-cache:
starting: false
для test page-cache:
starting: true
для prod page-cache:
starting: true
And I need not to write 'dev' or 'test' in condition myself, but to read true or false from yaml files.
For example: condition = "@serviceEnabled == true"
, does not work.
public class ServiceImpl{
private Boolean serviceEnabled;
/means that when running dev will be false and the method will not run and this code is working
value = ApplicationReadyEvent.class,
condition = "@environment.getActiveProfiles()[0] != 'dev'")
public void updateCacheAfterStartup() {
log.info("Info add starting...");
I tried to do as in this article, but it doesn't work for me .
Evaluate property from properties file in Spring's @EventListener(condition = "...")
CodePudding user response:
Make sure the YAML format is correct in
page-cache: starting: false
must be a component/bean, so annotate your class with@Service
or use@Bean
if the instance is created in a@Configuration
Extra tip:
You could use condition = "! @environment.acceptsProfiles('dev')"
instead of condition = "@environment.getActiveProfiles()[0] != 'dev'"
that way the order of active profiles does not matter
or define when the condition is valid: condition = "@environment.acceptsProfiles('test', 'prod')"
CodePudding user response:
you can access the property using @Value
in some class whose bean is created (either by annotations Component, Service, Configuration .. etc.). Use @EventListener(condition = "@beanName.youProperty")
, the event is handled when the value of yourProperty
is true
or string having "true", "on", "yes", or "1" values.
if yourProperty
is private and doesn't have getter also, then above will fail. yourProperty
on the bean should be either public or should have getter if private.
in your case:
public class ServiceImpl{
private Boolean serviceEnabled;
// can be getServiceEnabled
public Boolean isServiceEnabled() {
return this.serviceEnabled;
value = ApplicationReadyEvent.class,
condition = "@serviceImpl.serviceEnabled")
public void updateCacheAfterStartup() {
log.info("Info add starting...");