using namespace std;
# define OK 1
# define the ERROR 0
//define aviation information structure
Typedef struct airline {
Char air_num [8].//flight no.
Char plane_num [8]. No.//the plane
Char start_place [20]. Took off//
Char end_place [20].//destination
Char air_time [20].//landing time
Int total;//the total number of seats
Int left;//remaining seats
Struct airline * next;//the next node
} airline;
//define the passenger information structure
Typedef struct customer {
Char name [8].//customer name
Char air_num [8].//flight no.
Int seat_num;//seat number
Struct the customer * next;//the next node
} the customer;
//initialize the air header node
The airline * start_air () {//initialization list
The airline * a=new airline;
If (a==NULL) cout<& lt;" Overflow "& lt; & lt; endl;//if the list is empty, the output overflow
return a;//otherwise, the output list
//initialize the customer header node
The customer * start_cus () {//initialization list
The customer * c=new customer;
If (c==NULL) cout<& lt;" Overflow "& lt; & lt; endl;//if the customer list is empty, the output element overflow
Return the c;//output list
//modify the remaining seat
Airline * modefy_airline (airline * l, char * air_num) {//parameters: the flight information, flight no.
The airline * p;//pointer p
P=l - & gt; Next;
for(; P!=NULL; P=p - & gt; Next) {//if p (flight information) is not null:
If (STRCMP (air_num, p - & gt; Air_num)==0) {//if air_num and p - & gt; Air_num equal, execution:
P - & gt; Left++;//the remaining seats plus 1
return l;//function that value is returned to the l
Cout<& lt;" Without this flight: "& lt; & lt; endl;//output: no this flight
Return 0;
//add aviation information table
Int insert_air (airline * * p, char * air_num, char * plane_num, char * start_place, char * end_place, char * air_time, int total, int left) {//add
The airline * q=new airline;
Strcpy (q - & gt; Air_num, air_num);
Strcpy (q - & gt; Plane_num plane_num);
Strcpy (q - & gt; Start_place start_place);
Strcpy (q - & gt; End_place end_place);
Strcpy (q - & gt; Air_time air_time); The airline information//will give p
Q - & gt; Total=total;
Q - & gt; Left=left;
Q - & gt; Next=NULL;
(* p) - & gt; Next=q;
(* p)=(* p) - & gt; Next;
return OK;
//add the customer information table
Int insert_cus (customer * * p, char * name, char * air_num, int seat_num) {
The customer * q=new customer;
Strcpy (q - & gt; The name, name);
Strcpy (q - & gt; Air_num, air_num);
Q - & gt; Seat_num=seat_num;
Q - & gt; Next=NULL;//add customer information to q
(* p) - & gt; Next=q;
(* p)=(* p) - & gt; Next;
return OK;
Int the book (the airline * a, char * air_num, customer * c, char * name)
The airline * p=a - & gt; Next;
The customer * q=c - & gt; Next;
for(; Q - & gt; Next!=NULL; Q=q - & gt; Next) {}
for(; P - & gt; Next!=NULL; P=p - & gt; Next) {
If (p - & gt; Left> 0) {//if the remaining seat
Cout<& lt;" Your seat number is: "& lt; & lt; P - & gt; Total - p - & gt; Left + 1 & lt; & lt; endl;//seat number=total seats remaining seats + 1
Insert_cus (& amp; Q, name, air_num, p - & gt; Total - p - & gt; Left + 1);//call the insert, insert the passenger information
P - & gt; The left -;//the remaining seats minus one
return OK;
Cout<& lt;" Full "& lt; & lt; endl;//q - & gt; Next is empty, output: full
Return 0;
Any cancellation//
Int del_cus (customer * c, airline * l, char * name) {
The customer * p, * pr;
Char air_num [8].
P=pr - & gt; Next;//the introduction of pr, pr pointer to change, to change the pointer p
while(p!=NULL) {
If (STRCMP (p - & gt; The name, the name)==0) {//if the input name in the passenger list
Strcpy (air_num, p - & gt; Air_num);
L=modefy_airline (l, air_num);//function modifies spare seat
Pr - & gt; Next=p - & gt; Next;//delete
P=pr - & gt; Next;
Cout<& lt;" The end!" & lt; & lt; endl;
return OK;
Pr=pr - & gt; Next;
P=pr - & gt; Next;
Cout<& lt;" Not the passengers!" & lt; & lt; endl;
Return the ERROR;
//query and output all flight information
Int search_air (airline * head, char * start_place, char * end_place, char * airnum) {
The airline * p=head - & gt; Next;
Cout<& lt;" Air_num plane_num start_place end_place air_time left total "& lt; & lt; endl;
for(; P!=NULL; P=p - & gt; Next) {//in turn down from the first line query
If (STRCMP (p - & gt; Air_num, airnum)==0) {
Cout<& lt; P - & gt; Air_num & lt; & lt;" "& lt; & lt; P - & gt; Plane_num & lt; & lt;" "& lt; & lt; P - & gt; Start_place & lt; & lt;" "& lt; & lt; P - & gt; End_place & lt; & lt;" "& lt; & lt; P - & gt; Air_time & lt; & lt;" "& lt; & lt; P - & gt; Left<& lt;" "& lt; & lt; P - & gt; Total<& lt; endl;
return OK; }
Cout<& lt;" Could not find "& lt; & lt; endl;
Return the ERROR;
//according to the customer's name query information
Int search_cus (customer * head, char * name) {
The customer * q=head - & gt; Next;
Cout<& lt;" The name air_num seat_num "& lt; & lt; endl;
for(; Q!=NULL; Q=q - & gt; Next) {
If (STRCMP (q - & gt; Name, name)==0) {//according to the customer's name to query the
Cout<& lt; Q - & gt; Name<& lt;" "& lt; & lt; Q - & gt; Air_num & lt; & lt;" "& lt; & lt; Q - & gt; Seat_num & lt; & lt;" "& lt; & lt; endl;
return OK;
Cout<& lt;" Not find!" & lt; & lt; endl;
Return the ERROR;
//create aviation information table
Int creat_air (airline * * l) {
The airline * p=* l;
int i=0;
Char * air_num [3]={" 007 af ", "008 af", "009 af"};//flight no.
Char * plane_num [3]={" plane1 ", "plane2", "plane3"}; No.//the plane
Char * start_place [4]={" guangdong ", "langfang", "zhejiang"}; Took off//
Char * end_place [3]={" Beijing ", "Shanghai", "tianjin"};//destination
Char * air_time [20]={" 8:00 to 10:00 ", "-" ruler ", "11-12:30"};//landing time
Int total [3]={100100100};//the total number of seats
52,54,76 int left [3]={};//remaining seats
for(i=0; i<3; I++)
Insert_air (& amp; P, air_num [I], plane_num [I], start_place [I], end_place [I], air_time [I], total [I], left [I]); nullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnull