Home > Back-end >  How can I create an HTML table with content taken from a javascript array?
How can I create an HTML table with content taken from a javascript array?


I'm new to HTML and javascript so need assistance with some of the basics....

I have a javascript file with an array of elements:

export let options = [
        att1: "opt1",
        att2: "some val 1",
        att3: 1,
        att4: 5,
        att1: "opt2",
        att2: "some val 2",
        att3: 2,
        att4: 2,
        att1: "opt3",
        att2: "some val 3",
        att3: 33,
        att4: 10,

I want to create an HTML table (using the 'table' tag) with this array's content which will have the following format:

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
att1 opt1 opt2 opt3
att2 some val 1 some val 2 some val 3
att3 1 2 33
att4 5 2 10

How can I do it? I'm not sure wether it's possible or not, but I prefer the table's size/headers/attributes' names to be taken from the array itself and not to define them manually. In addition, I cannot touch the file with the array, i.e. I can only import it to another javascript file or src it in the HTML.

Thanks in advance, a confused newbie

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