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How to implement dynamic fuzzy filter with the combobox and display the contents of the data table


Hello, dragon island Lord! I was just playing with Delphi, have a question want to ask you, before I have seen your reply, when it comes to Delphi combobox automatically by filling a drop-down box of fuzzy query problems, you/Win32 ComboBoxEx was proposed for more convenient, I used after determine the convenience, but you can learn skills I not jing, screening process ComboBoxEx can only from the first letter or the first Chinese characters can be filtered, a CHANGE in Chinese characters not except 2, and I am in ComboBoxEx CHANGE writing code, the result is when the content of the input CHANGE and press down, have a lot of filtered data in ComboBoxEx drop-down list, why? Did you teach!

Procedure TForm1.Com boBoxEx1Change (Sender: TObject);
The begin
If (comboboxex1. Text<> ") then
The begin
With Query1 do
The begin
SQL. The Clear;
SQL. The Add (' Select distinct name FROM student where names like: p ');
Params. ParamByName (" p "). The Value:='%' + trim (comboboxex1. Text) + '%';
The open;
While not query1. Eof do
The begin
ComboBoxex1. Items. The add (query1. Fieldbyname (' name '). AsString) are identical.
Query1. Next;

CodePudding user response:

And the like

CodePudding user response:

Empty the COMBOBOX, in front of the query to add

 procedure TForm1.Com boBoxEx1Change (Sender: TObject); 
The begin
If (comboboxex1. Text<> ") then
The begin
With Query1 do
The begin
SQL. The Clear;
SQL. The Add (' Select distinct name FROM student where names like: p ');
Params. ParamByName (" p "). The Value:='%' + trim (comboboxex1. Text) + '%';
The open;
While not query1. Eof do
The begin
Combobox1. Items. The Clear;
ComboBoxex1. Items. The add (query1. Fieldbyname (' name '). AsString) are identical.
Query1. Next;

CodePudding user response:

Thank you for the original poster zhangzhen_927116 points, but still I tried I can't

CodePudding user response:

reference u012043438 reply: 3/f
thank you for the original poster zhangzhen_927116 point, but I tried or not

Remember next time reference, or others won't know you didn't reply,
You in describing the results you want, I see above the mentally
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