I am doing automation in python for jira with the addition of jql search inside the service As a result: two JQL queries, one to search for "closed tickets" and the second to search for "created tickets"
But as a result, I can't add rows now.
#Day 0 - current day , Day '-1' - Yesterday
jql_day = ['','-1','-2','-3']
jql_list_one_str = []
jql_list_two_str = []
action = ['resolved','created']
for i in jql_day:
jql_str = 'project = MRCHNT AND ' action[0] ' >= startOfDay(' i ')', 'project = MRCHNT AND ' action[1] ' >= startOfDay(' i ')'
jql_str_2 = 'AND ' action[0] ' <= startOfDay(' i ')','AND ' action[1] ' <= startOfDay(' i ')'
# jql_request = [' '.join(x) for x in zip(jql_list_one_str[1:], jql_list_two_str[:-1])]# Split list
# jql_request.insert(0,jql_list_one_str[0])
Expected Result:
1 list resolved:
'project = MRCHNT AND resolved >= startOfDay()'
'project = MRCHNT AND resolved >= startOfDay(-1) AND resolved <= startOfDay()'
'project = MRCHNT AND resolved >= startOfDay(-2) AND resolved <= startOfDay(-1)'
'project = MRCHNT AND resolved >= startOfDay(-3) AND resolved <= startOfDay(-2)'
2 list created:
'project = MRCHNT AND created >= startOfDay()
'project = MRCHNT AND created >= startOfDay(-1) AND created <= startOfDay()'
'project = MRCHNT AND created >= startOfDay(-2) AND created <= startOfDay(-1)'
'project = MRCHNT AND created >= startOfDay(-3) AND created <= startOfDay(-2)'
I got two lists inside with tuples. enter image description here
"second result" enter image description here
CodePudding user response:
You should use f-strings to resolve this issue.
jql_day = ['','-1','-2','-3']
jql_list_one_str = []
jql_list_two_str = []
action = ['resolved','created']
for i in jql_day:
jql_str = [f'project = MRCHNT AND {action[0]} >= startOfDay({i})', f'project = MRCHNT AND {action[1]} >= startOfDay({i})']
jql_str_2 = [f'AND {action[0]} <= startOfDay({i})', f'AND {action[1]} <= startOfDay({i})']
To then get the relevant strings you are interested in I should think you should use:
created = []
resolved = []
for idx, day in enumerate(jql_day):
if idx == 0:
string1 = jql_list_one_str[idx][0]
string2 = jql_list_one_str[idx][1]
string1 = jql_list_one_str[idx][0] " , " jql_list_two_str[idx-1][0]
string2 = jql_list_one_str[idx][1] " , " jql_list_two_str[idx-1][1]