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Is it correct to return a hard-coded array needed for recursion in C?


I realized that I need my C function to return 2 values and not just one, so is it correct to return a hard-coded array in this way?

int * funct(){

I need this return array structure for implementing my minimax algorithm. Here's some code for context, but it's not necessary (the example above should be enough to deliver the idea).

//Requires: board, depth & true if we're playing max player/ false if min player 
//Effects: returns best score & col
int * minimax(int ** board, int depth, bool maxPlayer){
  int newscore;
  int * validLocations= getValidLocations(board);
  bool gameOver= gameOver(board);
  if (depth==0 || gameOver){
    if (gameOver){
      if(isWin(board, COMPUTER)){
      return {-1,  10000};
    else if(isWin(board,PLAYER)){
      return {-1, -10000};
      return {-1, 0};; //tie
    else{ //depth is 0
      return {-1, boardScore(AI)};
    int val= INT_MIN;
    int bestCol= validLocations[0];
    int validLocationsIndex=0;
    int col= validLocations[0];
    while (col!=-1  && validLocationsIndex<7){
      int ** possibleBoard= copyBoard(board);
      insert(possibleBoard, col, COMPUTER);
      newscore= minimax(possibleBoard, depth-1, false)[1];
      if (newscore>val){
        val= newscore;
        bestCol= col;
      validLocationsIndex  ;
      col= validLocations[validLocationsIndex];
      return {bestCol, newscore};
    int val= INT_MAX;
    int validLocationsIndex=0;
    int col= validLocations[0];
    while (col!=-1  && validLocationsIndex<7){
      int ** possibleBoard= copyBoard(board);
      insert(possibleBoard, col, PLAYER);
      newscore= minimax(possibleBoard, depth-1, true)[1];
      if (newscore<val){
        val= newscore;
        bestCol= col;
      validLocationsIndex  ;
      col= validLocations[validLocationsIndex];
      return {bestCol, newscore};

CodePudding user response:

  1. automatic storage duration arrays cannot be returned in C language.
  2. return {-1, boardScore(AI)}; this syntax is wrong
  3. You can use structs as structs are passed bt value
  4. You can use compound literals
typedef struct
    int data[2];

mystruct funct(int condition)
       return (mystruct){{1,-1}};
       (mystruct){{1, -1}};

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