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SQL Calculate SUM of a column for a date range by type and order date


I have a table with order date, type of order and paymentamount

OrderDateTime Type PaymentAmount
2021-02-05 Delivery 500
2021-02-05 Online 2000
2021-02-05 Online 1000
2021-02-06 Online 1500
2021-02-06 Delivery 200
2021-02-06 Delivery 900
2021-02-07 Online 2500
2021-02-08 Delivery 500

I have a date range with startdate as 2021-02-01 and Enddate as 2021-02-30

I am trying to create a stored proc to calculate SUM(PaymentAmount) by Type for the date range if it matches the order date to get below result

RevenueDate Delivery Online
2021-02-01 $0 $0
2021-02-02 $0 $0
2021-02-03 $0 $0
2021-02-04 $0 $0
2021-02-05 $500 $3000
2021-02-06 $900 $1500
2021-02-07 $0 $2500
2021-02-08 $500 $0
2021-02-09 $0 $0

| 2021-02-30 | $200 | $0 |

Declare @StartDate DATETIME2 ='2021-02-01'
Declare @EndDate DATETIME2 ='2021-02-30'

;WITH Dates(RevenueDate) AS 
        SELECT CAST(@StartDate as Date) as day
        UNION ALL
        SELECT CAST(DATEADD(day, 1, RevenueDate) as Date) as day
        FROM Dates
        WHERE CAST(DATEADD(day, 1, RevenueDate) as Date) <= @EndDate
CTE_Revenue AS
        , OrderDateTime             
        , CASE
                WHEN Type = 'Delivery' THEN SUM(PaymentAmount)
                WHEN Type = 'Online'  THEN SUM(PaymentAmount) 
                ELSE 0
          END                                                   AS  Revenue     
        FROM OrderInfo      
                Type = 'Delivery' OR Type ='Online'             
                AND [P].[DeletedFlag] = 0
        GROUP BY                
                , OrderDateTime                         

        SELECT * FROM Dates LD 
        LEFT JOIN CTE_Revenue CS ON FORMAT(LD.RevenueDate, 'MM/dd/yyyy') = CS.OrderDateTime
        ORDER BY CONVERT(DATE, [RevenueDate]) ASC
        OPTION (maxrecursion 0)

I am getting below result

| RevenueDate | Delivery     | Online |
|:----        |:------:      | -----: |
| 2021-02-01  |    NULL      | NULL   |
| 2021-02-02  |    NULL      | NULL   |
| 2021-02-03  |    NULL      | NULL   |
| 2021-02-04  |    NULL      | NULL   |
| 2021-02-05  |    $500      | $0     |
| 2021-02-05  |    $0        | $3000  |
| 2021-02-06  |    $900      | $0     |
| 2021-02-06  |    $0        | $1500  |
| 2021-02-07  |    $0        | $2500  |
| 2021-02-08  |    $500      | $0     |

..... ........

CodePudding user response:

You can use COALAESCE to give NULL value another value

Declare @StartDate DATETIME2 ='2021-02-01';
Declare @EndDate DATETIME2 = '2021-02-28';
with Extract_Dates_CTE (MyDate) as (
    select CAST(@StartDate as Date)
    Union ALL
    select DATEADD(day, 1, MyDate)
    from Extract_Dates_CTE
    where MyDate < @EndDate
  , SUM(CASE WHEN [Type] = 'Delivery' then [PaymentAmount] END)  Delivery
  , SUM(CASE WHEN [Type] = 'Online' then [PaymentAmount] END)  Online
  FROM tab1
  GROUP BY [OrderDateTime]
SELECT ed.MyDate,COALESCE(Delivery,0) Delivery,COALESCE(Online,0) Online
FROM Extract_Dates_CTE ed  LEFT JOIN CTEAMOUNT c_a ON c_a.[OrderDateTime] = ed.MyDate
MyDate Delivery Online
2021-02-01 0 0
2021-02-02 0 0
2021-02-03 0 0
2021-02-04 0 0
2021-02-05 500 3000
2021-02-06 1100 1500
2021-02-07 0 2500
2021-02-08 500 0
2021-02-09 0 0
2021-02-10 0 0
2021-02-11 0 0
2021-02-12 0 0
2021-02-13 0 0
2021-02-14 0 0
2021-02-15 0 0
2021-02-16 0 0
2021-02-17 0 0
2021-02-18 0 0
2021-02-19 0 0
2021-02-20 0 0
2021-02-21 0 0
2021-02-22 0 0
2021-02-23 0 0
2021-02-24 0 0
2021-02-25 0 0
2021-02-26 0 0
2021-02-27 0 0
2021-02-28 0 0


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